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Multidisciplinary Master's Programme in Demography

We offer the only comprehensive programme in demography in Sweden. This programme will give you strong skills in quantitative methods, instruction from internationally renowned professors and a solid base for a career in various types of organizations. If you want to apply to this programme starting autumn 2025 the deadline is January 15, 2025.

Information for admitted students autumn 2024

Congratulations! You have been admitted at Stockholm University and we hope that you will enjoy your studies with us.

In order to ensure that your studies begin as smoothly as possible we have compiled a short checklist for the beginning of the semester.

Follow the instructions on whether you have to reply to your offer or not.


Checklist for admitted students

  1. Activate your university account

    The first step in being able to register and gain access to all the university's IT services.

  2. Register at your department

    Registration can be done in different ways. Read the instructions from your department below.

  3. Read all the information on this page

    Here you will find what you need to know before your course or programme starts.


Your seat may be withdrawn if you do not register according to the instructions provided by your department.

Information from the department - programmes

Register to the programme and activate your University account.

Before you can start the programme you need to register. You can do it online at Ladok for students between 12-25 August. Its' important that you register othervise you'll lose your place.

Ladok for students

If you are having problem with the registration please contact

International students with a temporary Swedish civic number (containing a P or a T) must get a one-time code to be able to activate the University account. If you are here at campus you can pick up the one-time code from the Infocentre. If you are not able to be here before August 25, please email for help.

Students on waiting list
If we have places left students on the waiting list will be contacted by email.

Athena -learning platform

Athena is the learning platform at Stockholm University. At Athena you’ll have access to all information about the course such as schedule, schedule changes, course material and more. Before you can log in to Athena you need to activate your university account and register to your course.

Log in to Athena

More information about Athena here.

Please note that to get notification about important information from the course you need to change the settings and activate notification to your email-address. You can do that in Settings that you find under your name in the right top corner.

Athena has a mobile app that you can use. The name of that app is itslearning. The app is free of charge and you can download it to iPhones and Android-mobiles. To get notification about important information from the course you need to change the settings to allow the app to send you notification.

More information
Please see the webpage of the Department of sociology or contact

Welcome activities

Stockholm University organises a series of welcome activities that stretch over a few weeks at the beginning of each semester. The programme is voluntary (attendance is optional) and includes Arrival Service at the airport and an Orientation Day, see more details about these events below.
Your department may also organise activities for welcoming international students. More information will be provided by your specific department. 

Find your way on campus

Stockholm University's main campus is in the Frescati area, north of the city centre. While most of our departments and offices are located here, there are also campus areas in other parts of the city.

Find your way on campus

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New student

During your studies

Student unions

For new international students

Pre-departure information

New in Sweden

You will learn about major future challenges related to the changing structure of future populations including fertility, mortality and migration from internationally renowned professors. Our researchers specialize in various fields in population studies, including: social change and demographic outcomes, gender equality, immigrant integration, fertility and family dynamics, social policy and work life. 

This Master’s Programme has a strong link to the interdisciplinary research conducted at the Stockholm University Demography Unit, which is an international site for cutting-edge demographic research. 

Learn quantitative methods and data science

Quantitative methods and data science are crucial parts of the programme, but we also welcome students with limited background in statistics. You will learn practical skills in the management of quantitative data, planning of statistical analyses and working knowledge of basic statistics.