Here you can find suggestions of tools that can facilitate your work:
- You should limit social contacts even if you only exhibit mild symptoms of respiratory infections (sore throat, dry cough, fever). This means you should work from home. You should stay at home 48h after these symptoms have disappeared If you show symptoms you need to contact health services via the telephone number: 1177.
- Sick leave should be reported as usual, howevere, to encourage stay at home the waiting day (“qualifying day of sickness”) has been removed. For mild symptoms you may consult with your supervisor/course responsible on whether work/ study from home is possible.
From December 23, 2021 to January 2022 only employees whose physical presence is necessary should be present at Fysikum. Consult with Jan in case of doubt.
- You should avoid rush hour traffic
- You should wash your hands frequently and carefully
- Physical distance of 2 meters must be observed in all meetings. This can probably be difficult, for example, in 4 person offices that are fully occupied . If possible, try to alternate or spread out to empty premises. Try to organize this within your respective divisions.
- Physical meetings should only be held if absolutely necessary, and limiting the number of participants as much as possible. Potentially consult with your closest manager (usually head of department) before arranging a meeting.
- The general recommendation is to check if meetings can be held remotely and if business trips (irrespective of destination) are really necessary.
- For group activities for colleagues at Fysikum, the heads of divisions are responsible for organizing them in a way that can guarantee the 2 meter distance rule.
SU has lifted travel restrictions.
- Work trips within Sweden can be carried out taking into account current regulations and recommendations (i.e. if you have symptoms you should not travel).
- There is no general ban on international business trips.
- SU follows the recommendations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the sense that non-essential travel should be avoided to countries recommended against by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
- For countries outside the EU, EEA or Schengen: general recommendation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (until Aug 31)
- For some EU, EEA or Schengen countries: the recommendation will be lifted from June 30 (what I can see: Belgium, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Croatia, Luxembourg, Portugal, Switzerland and Spain).
- For all EU, EEA or Schengen countries: the recommendation will be lifted from July 16
Information in Swedish are available at the Govermental webpage:
Inform yourself about restrictions that apply to the host country!
- Since the Swedish Public Health Agency is lifting the recommendation on distance education Stockholm university can gradually return to teaching and examination on campus. Read more: Information about courses given during autumn semester 2021
- If you don’t have a computer with microphone, there are a limited number of laptops the student can borrow from the student expedition. Please, contact
- For students in the medical radiation physics program that are taking clinical courses with supervised vocational training practice or clinical laborations, we will follow the directives from the hospital. More information is given by your teacher.
- For technical support regarding distance education and zoom, see
PhD students are requested to follow the same recommendations that apply to all employees at the Department of Physics.
The main rule is that those who can work from home also do so. This may be impossible for two reasons, either because the tasks cannot be performed satisfactorily from home, or because it is not possible to
work undisturbed and efficiently in the home environment. In these
cases, it is possible for the doctoral students to work at AlbaNova, if
the guidelines for social distancing can be maintained. This implies
that we have to spread the staff on available office space, the
guideline is that in the larger 4-person rooms there must be at most 2
persons (at the same time), in the smaller 2-person rooms maximally one person.
It is the task of the division heads to organize the work so that this
can be fulfilled. This can be done e.g. by establishing a rotating
schedule for attendance at AlbaNova, or by doctoral students using
senior employees' offices who work from home.
The rule of social distancing must also be maintained in the laboratory
environment. The responsible for each laboratory or experimental setup is tasked with organizing the work in the appropriate way.
For the doctoral students who participate in teaching, the course
coordinator is responsible for ensuring that this is done in accordance
with current rules.
“In cases where doctoral students work from home, the supervisor must ensure that their work environment is good, above all by allowing doctoral students to borrow the equipment (such as computers, external monitors, etc.) that is necessary, and in cases where it is necessary also complements with new equipment.
We understand that the corona pandemic naturally imply some stress also for doctoral studies. The goal for Fysikum's organisation as a whole and also for doctoral studies is that these should continue as normally as possible. The Science Faculty has decided that applications for prolongations due to the pandemic are considered on an individual level, please note the procedure decided by the faculty. If you apply for a prolongation, please hand it in to the Director of PhD studies (Michael Odelius) at Fysikum for further processing.”
Survey regarding the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the PhD education
Please find here the results of the survey for Fysikum and for the whole Science Faculty separately:
survey for Fysikum and Nordita (278 Kb)
whole Science Faculty separately (278 Kb)
The rules and recommendations here at Fysikum concerning the
procedures regarding PhD defenses and Licentiate seminars have changed:
1) Science Faculty rules:
PhD thesis defences and Licentiate seminars (127 Kb)
2) Department of Physics rules:
Procedures at Fysikum regarding licentiate seminars and PhD defenses, due to the corona situation (183 Kb)
Observe that the supervisor and chair of the defense have to prepare
things ahead.
Employees moving from abroad to start as an SU employee
While there is a ban on many foreigners coming into Sweden, people with EU citizenship and those with permanent residency in Sweden can still enter. Practical problems with traveling can arise and each situation needs to be resolved case by case.
Questions and answers – temporary entry ban to the EU via Sweden
Information regarding the coronavirus (Swedish Migration Agency)
New applications for permanent residency
The Swedish Migration Agency continues to handle applications as they normally do. See website for information.
Risk assessment in connection to the corona pandemic - update 200925 (198 Kb)
Risk assessment in connection to the corona pandemic (194 Kb)
Riskbedömning Corona 211012 (207 Kb)
Riskbedömning Corona 210222 (201 Kb)