
External collaboration have a long tradition at the Department of Geological Sciences. We thrive to make knowledge and research available to partners outside of academia.


Examples of our collaborations

Our researchers are actively engaged in transfer of knowledge to the general public to increase geological knowledge within society. We conduct joint research projects with several different stakeholders, have continuous dialogues with politicians and participate in large, international projects of societal relevance. We are proud of our alumni, who interact with our students and facilitate connections to a working life outside of academia.


elever som sitter framför varandra som dominopjäser

The history of the Baltic Sea written in mud – ice ages and dead sea floors

High school students in Science programs have visited The Askö field station near Trosa in the southern Stockholm archipelago.

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A1 sida där det står "Välkomna!"

Geological research and its social relevance

Students from the science program at P.A. Fågelström's high school got to take part in three lectures where results from geological research were presented.

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världskarta med plats dinosaurier på

Climate, life and global warming "Bringing the climate change message to school children"

Helen Coxall bringing the climate change message to 225 school children at Futuraskolan, Stockholm using world maps and 300 plastic animals!

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2 sjöar nästan ihop
Caldeira das Sete Cidades, Sao Miguel, the Azores. Foto: Martin Jakobsson

Graduate school for teachers

The graduate school's goal is to create opportunities for active teachers to deepen their knowledge in earth sciences and to conduct their own research as part of a comprehensive research program. The teachers will take this experience back with them to their schools.

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Petroleum Experts Ltd (Petex) has donated 10 licences of the MOVE software suite.

The commercial equivalent of which is ÂŁ1,308,000.00, to the University of Stockholm.





bathymetry of the ocean bottom

IGV has a long term collaboration with QPS with respect to processing of multibeam bathymetry and 3D-visualization of marine geophysical data.

The software Qimera, Fledermaus, FMGT and FMMidwater are used in research and education. QPS are experts in maritime geomatics software and services and has offices in the Netherlands, Canada, USA, and the UK.QPS solutions are used across a variety of industries, including hydrographic surveying, offshore construction, dredging, oil and gas, chart production, and piloting. Services include on-site training, setup, and support.

Alumni are former students of a university or college.

Join Stockholm University alumni network, where you will find a special alumni group for former Geological Sciences students
Read what former students thought about their programmes at Stockholm University

Alumni Mentorship Programme


Collaborate with us

Feel free to contact us if you have questions regarding collaboration with the Department of Geological Sciences.



Head of department
& head of geochemistry PhD program
Head of geology PhD program
Director for BSc program by distance
Head of marine geology PhD program
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