Nordic Jurists in the Post-War Period: Merging National Interest and Progressive Humanitarianism


Date: Friday 27 January 2023

Time: 16.15 – 17.45

Location: Aula Magna (Bergmannen)

Professor Pål Wrange delivers a keynote speech to the international workshop "Nordic jurists and International Law, 1880s-1970s" which takes place at Stockholm University on 26–28 januari 2023. The workshop is arranged by the Centre for Modern European Studies at the University of Copenhagen, PluriCourts at the University of Oslo and the Hans Blix Centre for the History of International Relations at Stockholm University.

Against the backdrop of a brief history of international law in the Nordic countries, Professor Pål Wrange will discuss two episodes: the formation of policies of neutrality in Finland and Sweden, with a particular focus on Erik Castrén’s (Finland) legal doctrinal work, and the negotiations of the additional protocols to the Geneva Conventions in 1974-1977, in which special mention will be made of Hans Wilhelm Longva (Norway) and Hans Blix (Sweden).

HBC Keynote Wrange 2023 01 27 En (335 Kb)