Spring Term Seminar Programme Available
The Blix Seminars are organised with support from the Helge Ax:son Johnson Foundation and the Magnus Bergvall Foundation and usually gathers on Wednesdays, 3 PM at Gula villan (Svante Arrhenius väg 33).
Seminariet i IR historia vt24 (456 Kb)
17 January
Yulia Gradskova (Södertörns högskola), "East-South Women’s Encounters and Internationalisms at the Cold War Periphery: Between Havana and Tashkent and Beyond".
31 January
Haakon Ikonomou (Köpenhamns universitet), "Inside the NATO Secretariat: A Social-Bureaucratic Enquiry of its Inception, Role and Influence in the 1950s".
7 February
BOKPRESENTATION: Hans Blix, "A Farewell to Wars. The Growing Restraints on the Interstate Use of Force" (Cambridge University Press, 2023). OBS: Hörsal 7 (Hus D), kl. 17.
27 March
Susanna Erlandsson (Uppsala universitet), "Diplomatic Homes as Political Arenas, c. 1935–1965"
10 April
Marian Füssel (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen): "A Global History of the Seven Year’s War, 1756–1763". (I samarbete med tidigmoderna seminariet)
8 May
Glenda Sluga (European University Institute), "The Invention of International Order: How Europe Became Secure after 1815".
22 May
Sergey Radchenko (Johns Hopkins SAIS, Bologna), "To Run the World: the Kremlin’s Bid for Global Power".
Last updated: May 3, 2024
Source: Hans Blix Centre