Corina Boar, New York University (NYU)


Date: Tuesday 18 April 2023

Time: 13.00 – 14.30

Location: IIES Seminar Room A822/hybrid

Nonlinear Inflation Dynamics in Menu Cost Economies with Andres Blanco, Callum Jones, Virgiliu Midrigan.

Nonlinear Inflation Dynamics in Menu Cost Economies
with Andres Blanco, Callum Jones, Virgiliu Midrigan.

We show that canonical menu cost models, when parameterized to match the distribution of price changes, suffer three important shortcomings: they require implausibly large menu costs, they predict a large amount of misallocation, and they cannot re-produce the comovement between the frequency of price changes and inflation in the data. These shortcomings are amplified in the presence of microeconomic strategic complementarities.

We resolve them by extending the standard multi-product menu cost model along two dimensions. First, we assume that strategic complementarities are at the firm, not the product level. Second, we assume that the products sold by a firm are imperfect substitutes. In contrast to standard models, the frequency of price
changes increases rapidly with the size of monetary shocks, so our model implies non-linear output responses. Even for small shocks, our model predicts stronger selection effects and therefore more flexible price responses and smaller real effects.


The seminar is in the IIES Seminar Room and can also be joined via zoom, click here or use Meeting ID: 64234736333.