Higher sem. TÖI. Klaus Kaindl: The translator’s nested identities
Date: Thursday 1 June 2023
Time: 13.00 – 14.30
Location: Room D600 and on Zoom.
Higher seminar in Translation Studies: The translator’s nested identities:Theoretical and methodological implications of auto/biographical research in Translation Studies. Klaus Kaindl, Professor in Translation Studies at Department for Translation Studies, University of Vienna, Austria.
In my talk, I will discuss approaches, methods and tools of translational auto/biography as well as the epistemological value of auto/biographical texts for Translation Studies. The term auto/biography was coined by Liz Stanley in her book The auto/biographical I. It aims, on the one hand, to blur the boundaries between biography and autobiography. On the other hand, it also attempts to theoretically connect the two areas that are often considered separately.
The presentation will consist of three parts. The first part of the presentation will focus on the methodology of translational auto/biography. The central question in this regard has been, and still is, what aspects of translators' lives are worthy of being included in a biography. Building on the concept of "nested identity," a holistic approach will be outlined, incorporating two terms from social history, namely "transitions" and "turning points," to illustrate the dynamics of translational identity constructions.
In the second part, the value of autobiographical texts for translation studies will be discussed, particularly examining how the "remembered translatorial self" is expressed in life writing texts.
The final part will then outline a methodology for translational auto/biography research.
Last updated: May 26, 2023
Source: Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies