The conceptual optical and mechanical design of the telescope and adaptive optics system was proposed by Göran Scharmer. The mechanical design was developed into blueprints mainly by Bertil Pettersson and Klas Bjelksjö of Stockholms Digitalmekanik AB, with important contributions from Robert Hammerschlag, Henrik Sönnerlind, Hans Boesgaard, and Torben Andersen.
Much of the large parts of the SST were produced by Svenska Bearing outside Gothenburg. Their quick and precise work is greatly appreciated, as is their enthusiasm for the project.
The final optical design and tolerance analysis was made by Bo Lindberg based on the work of Mette Owner-Petersen. Darrel Torgerson contributed to the tolerance analysis.
The control system is based on suggestions by Torben Andersen. Hardware for reading encoders was developed by Mark Shand, Martin Renard, Jérôme Martin, and Rolf Kever. Software for controlling the SST was developed by Göran Hosinsky, John Rehn, David Kennedal, and Pete Dettori.
The initial software of the adaptive optics system was developed by Wang Wei and Göran Scharmer. This software has since then been completely rewritten by Pete Dettori and its performance evaluated mostly by Mats Löfdahl.
The optics were meticulously polished by Tapio Korhonen and coworkers at Opteon Oy in Finland.
The electronics and fibre optical link for the CCD systems in the two finders were designed and built as in-kind contribution by the electronics department of the solar group at the University of Utrecht.
Last updated: December 16, 2022
Source: Institute for Solar Physics