Seminarium: Stella Macheridis


Datum: onsdag 24 januari 2024

Tid: 15.00 – 17.00

Plats: Rum 334 / Zoom

Stella Macheridis (Lund): "Sheep management in Viking Age Scandinavia: Löddeköpinge from a zooarchaeological multiproxy perspective".

In this presentation, I present results from a study investigating sheep management and landscape use in Viking Age Scandinavia, through a zooarchaeological multiproxy approach. Using the marketplace at Löddeköpinge as case, a series of sheep mandibles were analyzed through zooarchaeological methods and through isotopic analyses of δ13C, δ15N, δ34S and 87Sr/86Sr. The results are discussed in conjunction with the marketplace function of Löddeköpinge as well as the political geography of the time. 

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