LI1002SF: Imaging in Neuroscience: with a Focus on Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1.5 credits

This research course, given at Stockholm University Brain Imaging Centre (SUBIC), focuses on experimental design and analysis of fMRI data. It constitutes a subset of the 7,5 HEC course with the same name.

The course is aimed at PhD students with a background in a humanistic discipline where neuroimaging is used as an experimental tool, cognitive sciences, psychology, medicine, biomedicine, biology, medical imaging, computational biology or similar.

The course constitutes a subset of the 7,5 credits course LI1001SF: Imaging in neuroscience, 7.5 credits.

Photo by Jens Olof Lasthein


The course focuses on experimental design and analysis of fMRI data. We will briefly introduce the basis of the blood-oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) signal and how it is measured. The image processing steps, before statistical analysis, will be explained. The application of general linear model analysis to fMRI data will be explained, including random effects analysis and correction for multiple comparisons. We will discuss experimental designs for fMRI studies. The study of functional connectivity using fMRI data will be explained. We will also introduce machine learning techniques for analysis of fMRI data. Finally, structural measures of gray and white matter will be introduced as well as other techniques to measure functional and metabolic brain activity non-invasively.

Forms of instruction

The course occasions consist of lectures, hands-on sessions, group discussions and student presentations. Teaching and examination language is English.


This course is planned and offered in cooperation between the Department of Linguistics and the Department of Psychology at Stockholm University and the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet. The course is given at Stockholm University Brain Imaging Centre (SUBIC).

Stockholm University Brain Imaging Centre

Course director: Rita Almeida
Course co-organizer at Stockholm University: Jonathan Berrebi
Course co-organizers at Karolinska Institutet: Peter Fransson
Teaching assistant: Tunhe Zhou 


Last day for application is 15 June 2023. After the deadline, eventual free spaces will be filled in order of application.

How to apply

Fill in the application form and send it to Rita Almeida: Do not forget to attach a certificate/transcript of records to confirm your eligibility.

Please note! Only PhD students will get ECTS credits for the course.
PhD students registered at Stockholm University are given priority in the course admission.

Application form LI1001SF/LI1002SF (162 Kb)


Course dates, Autumn 2023

26 September
3 October
10 October
17 October
24 October
31 October
7 November
14 November


Syllabus LI1002SF 1,5_new (414 Kb)

This course corresponds to 1,5 higher education credits within the course LI1001SF: Imaging in neuroscience, 7.5 credits as well as with the course 5522 Imaging in neuroscience: with a focus on functional magnetic resonance imaging methods, 1,5 credits offered by Karolinska Institutet.

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