Högre seminarium: Joy Kibarabara presenterar pågående forskning


Datum: torsdag 7 november 2024

Tid: 10.00 – 12.00

Plats: Bangsalen | INTERNAL EVENT

Välkommen till JMK:s högre seminarium där Joy Kibarabara presenterar sin pågående forskning.

This page in English

Swedish Journalist Perceptions of Constructive Journalism

How do Swedish journalists perceive and implement constructive journalism in their daily news work? More specifically, what challenges and opportunities do they associate with the implementation constructive journalism in the Swedish media context? What (and how) constructive journalism techniques do they apply in their daily news work? These are some of the issues that will be illuminated in this seminar presenting preliminary findings of interviews with journalists in Sweden who apply or have applied constructive journalism in their daily news work.

These interviews are part of a larger study funded by the Anna Ahlströms och Ellen Terserus Stiftelse that also explores the extent to which, and how elections can be covered constructively. The seminar will present findings from a content analysis of elections news coverage from a sample of relevant news articles from the 2022 parliamentary elections.

Gaining more knowledge about the appropriation of constructive journalism in the Swedish media context is important given ongoing sustained eIorts to mainstream the journalism practice in the country, as well as continued calls for more high-quality journalism. Constructive journalism is said to provide a “self-corrective ethos” to problematic news practices (e.g., negative bias, overreliance on elite sources) that have been pervasive in journalism practice globally.

These and other related concerns are said to contribute to increasing lower trust levels, and disillusioned news audiences disinterested in civic participation, thereby negatively impacting democracy. Constructive journalism is operationalized via not only exposing social problems, but also possible solutions. In addition, constructive journalism promotes nuanced and contextual reports, as well as greater inclusiveness and diversity of perspectives.