Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry

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The research at MMK addresses important challenges in energy, environment and health. We work for a better world and sustainable society.

We focus on developing new materials for a sustainable society, employing green synthesis and sustainable processing routes. We develop advanced methodologies for chemical analysis and structural characterisation, including analytical chemistry tools, electron crystallography, different spectroscopic methods and multiscale  modelling.

The research activities are divided into 10 profile areas, conducted by 26 research groups.


Increased risk of cyber attacks due to current situation

A kind reminder from IT services. Always be careful about opening attachments and clicking on links in emails, especially now. Even if an email looks like it comes from someone you know, the sender may be fake. 

Research and Education workshop in Stockholm

The University of Manchester, Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology are deepening the collaboration within research and education between the institutions. A workshops will be held in Stockholm on April 7-8, 2022, providing an opportunity for more academics to engage in these emerging networks, or to engage in new networks, as well as providing a meeting place for already established collaborations.

Water oxidation and clean energy carriers, one step closer

Some 200 years ago, Elizabeth Fulhame, a Scottish chemist, came across the power of catalysts – a material that speeds up a chemical reaction without being consumed during the process. In our day, Stockholm university chemists have been part of a large multinational consortium developing a new hybrid material (metal-hydroxide-organic frameworks, MHOFs) that can use the process of catalysis to speed up the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). This work has just been published in Nature Materials.

Nanopore sensing - a powerful approach to characterize small molecules

On Thursday the 17th of February, Dr Chan Cao from ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE gave a hybrid presentation on her research nanopore sensing at the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry at Stockholm UniversityStockholm University. After a long covid-break we were very happy to host 30 in-person participants as well as nearly 30 on-line participants.

High quality PhD program

The post graduate education in physical chemistry have been evaluated and it shows that our program have a high quality.

Adam Slabon

Congratulations Adam Slabon for the Wallenberg Academy Fellow 2021

for recycle the natural resource lignin and create new sustainable materials.

Kemister i labb

Stockholm University part in a billion investment in materials science

Stockholm University is one of six universities that will share SEK 2.7 billion within the new research program Wallenberg Initiative Material Science for Sustainability.

Welcome to SUCCeSS first ever speedtalk

We are excited to invite you to our first speed talk event at Stockholm University Centre for Circular and Sustainable Systems (SUCCeSS) to be held on Monday the 29th of November.

Formas Funding for Developing Safe and Sustainable Textile recycling

Textile re- and (up-)cycling is one of the most pressing issues in achieving circular economy. Prof. Aji Mathew and Anneli Kruve, have obtaimed support from the FORMAS Resource efficient and non-toxic call for a two-year project.

Welcome to SUCCeSS, the new Stockholm University Center for Circular and Sustainable Systems!

Welcome to SUCCeSS, the Stockholm University Center for Circular and Sustainable Systems! We are a new collaborative platform, for researchers in natural and social sciences aiming to solve the sustainability challenges of our time through transdisciplinary research. Visit our webpage to find out more about the center and how to collaborate with us.

Pieces of wood and bark

New European network on sustainable use of tree bark for wooden construction

Wooden construction is important for many European countries. Stockholm University will coordinate an ERA-NET ForestValue project that brings together partners from six European countries to develop and demonstrate sustainable technologies for the utilization of bark residues from the forest industry.

Large infrastructure grant to EMC at Stockholm university

The Electron Microscopy Center (EMC) at Stockholm University has been granted 15 MSEK by The Swedish Research Council for upgrade of the scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and soft matter sample preparation facilities.

Congratulations to our new masters in Analytical Chemistry

Another successful school year got a fantastic ending when eighth masters’ students on the Analytical Chemistry program defended their Master’s theses.

Gradual opening

MMKs local corona recommendations for work and teaching

Professor Zhijian James Shen has passed away

Our dear colleague Professor Zhijian James Shen has recently passed away at an age of 59 years. James was associated and employed at Stockholm University and the Department since 1993. We will remember James for his very friendly and care-taking demeanor and for his intelligence and enthusiastic and hard-working attitude. We would like to share our memories of him with his family. If you have photos/pictures or a few sentences of memories please collect them and send them to Mirva Eriksson ( and/or Lu Song  ( This text will be updated when we have more information.


 Gunnar Svensson, prefekt

Picture of Adam Slabon.

New master’s programme in sustainable chemistry

This autumn Stockholm University will start a new master’s programme in sustainable chemistry. It is the first complete master’s programme in this area in Europe and part of the university´s effort to focus on sustainable chemistry.

Beyond Benign

MMK Sign the Green Chemistry Commitment

To make green chemistry an integral part of chemistry education.

Återvinning av batterier förenklas med ny metod

En ny metod för att återvinna gamla batterier kan ge bättre och billigare laddningsbara hydridbatterier (NiMH). Det visar en ny studie av forskare vid Stockholms universitet.

Corona: MMK donates protective visors for Swedish hospitals

3D printing process of protective visors The 3D printing process of protective visors was conducted in Prof. Aji Mathew’s and Prof. Jiayin Yuan’s group.

Corona: MMK Produce Hand Sanitizer for Hospitals

We have now delivered more than 20 000 liters of hand sanitizer to the hospitals and elderly homes.

Information for students and staff about the coronavirus

Information on the coronavirus in relation to Stockholm University's activities is updated continuously.

Recent Publications

Artikel Bridged Carbon Fabric Membrane with Boosted Performance in AC Line-Filtering Capacitors
2022. Miao Zhang (et al.). Advanced Science

Artikel Detection of Benzo[a]pyrene Diol Epoxide Adducts to Histidine and Lysine in Serum Albumin In Vivo by High-Resolution-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
2022. Javier Zurita (et al.). Toxics 10 (1)

Artikel Efficient Heterogeneous Copper-Catalyzed Alder-Ene Reaction of Allenynamides to Pyrrolines
2022. Zhiyao Zheng (et al.). ACS Catalysis 12 (3), 1791-1796

Artikel Engineered mesoporous silica reduces long-term blood glucose and HbA1c, and improves metabolic parameters in prediabetics
2022. Jeanha Baek (et al.). Nanomedicine 17 (1), 9-22

Artikel Exploring High-Pressure Transformations in Low-Z (H2, Ne) Hydrates at Low Temperatures
2022. Paulo H. B. Brant Carvalho (et al.). Crystals 12 (1)

Artikel Ionic liquids and deep eutectics as a transformative platform for the synthesis of nanomaterials
2022. Oliver S. Hammond, Anja-Verena Mudring. Chemical Communications

Artikel Lanthanide-based complexes as efficient physiological temperature sensors
2022. Bernardo Monteiro (et al.). Materials Chemistry and Physics 277

Artikel Nanostructured Conductive Metal Organic Frameworks for Sustainable Low Charge Overpotentials in Li-Air Batteries
2022. Leily Majidi (et al.). Small 18 (4)