The Office  of Human Science also ensures that decisions taken within the University (as well as by the Swedish Government, the Parliament and other public authorities) are communicated and implemented.

Under the Office of Human Science there are three faculty offices and two sections:

These offices provide support to the three faculties wihtin the acedemic aea: Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Social Sciences.

How to find us: Universitetsvägen 10A, A-building, 2nd and 3rd floor. Map


Head of the Office of Human Sciences


Catharina Sitte Durling

Catharina Sitte Durling

Head of the Office
Rum A335
Tel. 08-16 2540






Susanna Lindberg
Susanna Lindberg

Susanna Lindberg

Co-ordinator, secretary of the Board of Human Science

Office A319
Tel. 08-16 10 86