Ariel Marcelo GoobarProfessor
Om mig
2022 –: Director of Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics
2017 –: Principal Investigator, G.R.E.A.T Research Environment, SU
1999 – present Professor, Dept. of Physics, Stockholm University
Previous positions and period of appointment
2015 – 2016 Director of Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics
2001 – 2005 Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Research Fellow, SU
1994 – 1998 Assistant Professor, funded by the NFR (predecessor of VR), at SU
1992 – 1994 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
2016 Elected Member of the Swedish Academy of Science
2015 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics (shared with Supernova Cosmology Project)
2011 Co-author of 2011 Nobel Prize paper on discovery of the accelerating universe
2007 Gruber Prize in Cosmology (shared with Supernova Cosmology Project)
2004 Gustafsson Prize (biggest prize for Swedish scientists below age 46)
2003 Swedish Academy Einstein Lecturer
2000 Swedish Academy Edlundska Prize
1991 CERN fellowship
1990 Sigrid Arrhenius Fellowship for excellent graduate student research
University degrees
1996 Docent in Physics
1992 Ph.D. in Particle Physics Stockholm University
Thesis title: “Search for Higgs Bosons on Z0Decays using the DELPHI Detector”; Supervisor: Prof. Erik Johansson
1986 M.Sc. in Physics at Stockholm University
1985 B.Sc (1st. class honors.) in Physics University of Sussex
Professional Affiliations and Service
The DELPHI collaboration at the Large Electron-Positron collider (1986-1992);
The Supernova Cosmology Project (1992- present)
The AMANDA neutrino telescope (1992- 2000)
The SNAP satellite (2000-2008); The SDSS-II SN Search (2007-2014)
The intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (2013- present)
The Zwicky Transient Facility (2013-present)
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Collaboration (2017- present)
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP)
My Publications
And subdivided into topics :
Mitt forskningsområde är kosmologi, med specialisering kring användandet av Typ Ia supernovor för att mäta de största avstånden i universum. Jag är en av de tidigaste medlemmar av "Supernova Cosmology Project" (SCP), som upptäckte att universums expansion accelererar, något som brukar förknippas med begreppet ”dark energy”. Jag delade "2007 Gruber Prize in Cosmology" och "Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics in 2015" med mina SCP-kollegor. Ledaren för vårt team, Saul Perlmutter, fick ena halvan av 2011-års Nobelpris i fysik. Jag har också fått Gustafssonpriset 2004.
Sedan 2013 leder jag de kosmologika studier med Typ Ia supernovor med projektet intermediate Palomar Transient Factory. Under 2018 startar vi dess efterföljare, Zwicky Transient Faciltiy!
Mer information om min forskning går att hitta här och mina publikationer. Sedan 2017 leder jag ett nytt projekt, GREAT, en av vetenskapsrådet finansierat forskningmiljö kring studien källor av gravitationsvågor och deras elektromagnetiska signaler.
Jag har tidigare ävern forskat inom experimentell partikelfysik, främst letandet efter Higgsbosonen på CERN och senare inom högenergi neutrinoastrofysik med AMANDA och IceCube telescopen vid Sydpolen i Antarktis.
Recent Talks
KIPAC Astrophysics Colloquium, June 2, 2022, “Supernovae and the cosmic expansion: breakthroughs and chalenges”.
ESA Roman satellite workshop, July 2021, “Gravitationally Lensed Supernovae”
Observational Cosmology, Invited Talk at the European Physical Society conference on high energy physics 2021, July 29, 2021
Lessons learned from iPTF16geu, Time-Domain Cosmology with Strong Gravitational Lensing worshop, Tokyo IPMU, Jan 25, 2021
Rumtidens krökning och supernovor, (in Swedish), Albanova open lecture, Nov 16, 2020
The 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics, webinar from Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, Oct 6, 2020.
Seminar at the Geneva Observatory and EPFL, Switzerland, February 11, 2020, "Gravitationally Lensed Supernovae"
The 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics, Albanova Colloquium, Oct 8, 2019
Albanova & Nordita Colloquium, May 9, 2019, "Gravitationally Lensed Supernovae"
Caltech Astronomy Colloquium, Caltech, March 6, 2019, "Gravitationally Lensed Supernovae"
ICCUB colloquium, Barcelona, Spain, October 2018, “Illuminating the Dark Universe with Supernovae”
Oskar Klein Centre 10-year anniversary, Artipelag, Sweden, September 2018, “Type Ia Supernovae and OKC”
Karlstads Universitet colloquium, Karlstad, Sweden, June 2018, ”Fysikgenombrott: Observationer av en föränderlig himmel”
European Week of Astronomy, Liverpool, UK, April 2018, “Strong Lensing Systems from time-domain surveys”.
European Week of Astronomy, Liverpool, UK, April 2018, “Type Ia Supernovae from the Zwicky Transient Facility: Implications for Cosmology”
Astronomy colloquium, Lund University, Sweden, February 2018, “Cosmic Transparency and the dimming of Standard Candles”
VASCO Network Meeting, Uppsala University, Sweden, February 2018,”The Zwicky Transient Facility: Charting New Physics Territory in Time-Domain Astronomy”
Heidelberg Joint Astronomical Colloquium, Heidelberg, Germany, December 2017, “Charting new physics territories with time-domain astronomy”
Meeting on Fundamental Cosmology, Teruel, Spain, September, 2017, “Physics breakthroughs through observations of the transient sky”
Gordon Research Conference on Strong Theory and Cosmology, Tuscany, Italy, May 2017, “Charting New Physics Territory with Time-Domain Astronomy"
Astronomy Seminar, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel, April 2017, “Gravitationally Lensed Supernovae - what can be learned?
Big Questions in Astrophysics, Lund University Physics Department colloquium, Lund, Sweden, April 2017, “Gravitationally Lensed Supernovae - what can be learned?
SRS annual meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, March 2017, “The Discovery of a Multiply-imaged Gravitationally Lensed 'Standard Candle' Supernova”
Öppen föreläsning, Albanova University Center, Stockholm, March 2017, ”Supernovor och universums expanderande expansion”
Lund University, Physics Department Colloquium, Lund, Sweden, January 2017, “Physics breakthroughs and observations of the transient sky”
Supernovae Through the Ages conference, Easter Island, Chile, August 2016, “SNe Ia in the PTF and ZTF eras: lessons and prospects”
CSP collaboration meeting, Santiago Chile, August 2016, “Observations of high-z supernovae through gravitational telescopes”
European Week of Astronomy, Athens, June 2016, “Observations of high-z supernovae through gravitational telescopes”
Imaging 2016 conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2016, “Progress in time‐domain optical astronomy and observations of cosmic explosions"
Physics Department Colloquium, Aachen, Germany, April 2016, “Supernovae and the Acceleration of the Universe”
Crosstalks about space research, Stockholm, October 2015, “There is life out there”
Nordita conference on extended theories of gravity, Stockholm, Sweden, March 2015, “Observations of the Accelerated Universe: Past, Present, and Future”
Arnold Sommerfeld Center, LMU, Munich, Germany, November 2014, “Cosmology with Type Ia Supernovae: where do we stand today?”