Stockholms universitet

Gudrun DahlProfessor emerita

Om mig

Gudrun Dahl är en svensk socialantropolog som var professor vid instiutionen från 1989 till sin pension. Hon fortsätter att vara aktiv i institutionens aktiviteter rörande miljöantropologi. 


I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Is Good Intention Enough to Be Heard? On Appadurai's 'Capacity to Aspire'

    2016. Gudrun Dahl. Voice and Matter Communication, 225-239


    The point of departure for my contribution is a reflection over Appadurai’s approach to hope in relation to the contradictions between the politics and moralities of recognition versus redistribution and the ascription of individualising or structural explanations for the predicament of poor people. The will to give recognition is perspectivised in relation to contemporary developmental ideologies that make grassroots’ connections a moral value. However, an emphasis on hope as a basically individual characteristic or a cultural trait is also problematized in relation to the arguments of traditional ‘theories of ascription’. The explanation of other people’s actions tends to stress their own characteristics rather than the situational conditions under which they act. This may be a constraint for how even well intended academic discourse is received, transforming cultural or individual explanations into static models of the “blame-the-victim” type.

    Läs mer om Is Good Intention Enough to Be Heard? On Appadurai's 'Capacity to Aspire'
  • Modernities on the Move

    2012. Gudrun Dahl (et al.).


    Tehran, Delhi, Salvador

    The present volume emanates from three studies of youngsters and young adults in three urban contexts in the world: in Tehran in Iran, Delhi in India, and Salvador in Brazil. To them, global as well as local ideas about modernization, traditionalism and authenticity provide frames for interpreting the development of society and evaluating one’s own life.

    The young people that this volume is concerned with were all born in the 1980s. Today they are adults. They all relate to a globalized market of recognition, but also one of potential resources such as attractive commodities, international jobs, local jobs with an international touch, or international support for local activities through the NGO world. Their rod of reference for judging their own life is global. Their sense of time and progress is related to the important developments of their own countries - internally and in relation to the global context - during their own lifespan and possibly that of their parents. Yet, cultural identity is in all the three cases also marked by a relation to ideas about tradition. Becoming modern may also entail redescribing, reinventing and reviving pasts in which the parents’ generation saw little value. The volume as a whole endeavours to give a contribution to the ethnography of varying cultural conceptualisations of modernity.

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