Stockholms universitet

Johan Ove LagerkvistProfessor

Om mig

Jag är professor i Kinas språk och kultur, och föreståndare för Stockholms centrum för globala Asienstudier vid statsvetenskapliga institutionen.


Mina forskningsintressen rör relationer mellan stat och samhälle i Kina; modern kinesisk historia; Kinas mediesystem; Kinas internationella relationer, framför allt med andra utvecklingsländer.


Select publications:

Chapter -- "The China nudge: naivety, neutrality, and non-alignment in Sweden" in forthcomimng book: Small, Medium and Great Powers’ Response To US-China Strategic Competition: Neutrality, Choosing Sides, or Bandwagoning, Simona Grano (Ed.).


Chapter -- "Gravitational pull of authoritarian China in South Asia?", in forthcoming book Routledge Handbook of Autiocratization in South Asia, Sten Widmalm (Ed.).


Chapter -- “Moral Discourse of Market Cells and China’s Evolving Enterprise Society” in Political Participation in Asia: Defining and Deploying Political Space, Routledge, 2018


Chapter -- “Curtailing Chinas Rise before the Real Takeoff? Censorship, Social Protests, and Political Legitimacy” in Will the Rise of China Lead to Conflict and War? 

Oxford University Press, 2018.


Book -- Tiananmen Redux: The Hard Truth about the Expanded Neoliberal World Order, New York: Peter Lang, 2016.


Article -- "The Mobilization of Memory and Tradition: Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement and Beijing’s 1989 Tiananmen Movement", Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal (with Tim Rühlig), Vol. 2, No. 2, 2016.


Chapter -- "China and the World: Convergence on Global Governance, Divergence on Global Citizenship?" in Globalization and Global Citizenship: Interdisciplinary approaches, Langran, I., and Birk, T. (eds.), New York: Routledge, 2016.


Chapter -- "Cybersecurity in Sweden and China: Going on the attack?" with Johan Eriksson, in Conflict in Cyberspace, edited by Karsten Friis et al. London: Routledge, 2016.


Article -- "The Unknown Terrain of Social Protests in China: ‘Exit,’ ‘Voice,’ ‘Loyalty’ and – ‘Shadow’", Journal of Civil Society, 2015.


Article -- "The ordoliberal turn? Getting China and global economic governance right", Global Affairs, Vol.1, Issue 3, 2015.


Article -- "Principal-agent dilemma in China’s social media sector? The party-state and industry real-name registration waltz", International Journal of Communication, No.6. October, 2012.
