Stockholms universitet

Matti Marttinen LarssonPostdoktor

Om mig

Jag är internationell VR-postdok vid Institutionen för lingvistik (SU) och Humboldt-universitetet i Berlin (2022-2025).


Jag undervisar främst inom:

  • spansk grammatik och språkfärdighet
  • sociolingvistik
  • historisk lingvistik

Jag har undervisat på grund- och avancerad nivå, både i Sverige och i utlandet (Ghent University och Humboldt University of Berlin).


Se engelsk sida för mer information om min forskning.



I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Modelling incipient probabilistic grammar change in real time: the grammaticalisation of possessive pronouns in European Spanish locative adverbial constructions

    2021. Matti Marttinen Larsson. Corpus linguistics and linguistic theory


    The present paper provides a methodological case study on how underlying incipient grammar change might be discerned even when frequencies of the incoming variant are apparently marginal and stable. Analysing the spread of tonic possessive pronouns in complements of locative adverbial constructions in European Spanish from a probabilistic perspective, more than 11,000 locative constructions from 1900 to 2004 were compiled, and probabilistic grammar change was operationalised as an interactive function between language-internal predictors and real time. The results reveal that numerous intralinguistic factors have been and are active in constraining the variation, with the innovation spreading significantly in spite of apparent stability in frequency. Crucially, the findings demonstrate that, even in a relatively standardised written language where the innovation has a considerably low frequency, the innovation grammaticalises along the same pathway as in colloquial vernaculars where the incoming variant is employed much more frequently.

    Läs mer om Modelling incipient probabilistic grammar change in real time: the grammaticalisation of possessive pronouns in European Spanish locative adverbial constructions
  • Feminine morphology in possessive complements of adverbial constructions in Andalusian varieties

    2022. Matti Marttinen Larsson, Miriam Bouzouita. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 91, 157-171


    The present study scrutinizes the Spanish morphological variation between masculine and feminine possessive complements used with locative adverbials (e.g. cerca mío / mía ‘close to me’). The feminine -a suffix (e.g. mía) is the innovative variant and has been described by normative grammars as a low-frequency and stigmatized trait. This paper focuses on Andalusian Spanish, where the innovative -a-suffix has the highest frequency of use. Twitter data from the eight provinces of Andalusia are compiled in order to determine the innovation's diatopic distribution and linguistic diffusion. The quantitative results show that the -a variant predominates in all Andalusia and that the change has spread through all the adverbial locative contexts. We propose a series of analogical extensions have taken place whereby the feminine possessive complement spreads from one adverbial context to another, creating an analogical snowballing effect.

    Läs mer om Feminine morphology in possessive complements of adverbial constructions in Andalusian varieties
  • Constructional predictability, entrenchment, and analogical cascade effects: a usage-based diachronic constructionist account of the rise, diffusion, and conventionalization of the Spanish elliptical construction la de <noun> que

    Matti Marttinen Larsson.

    This paper scrutinizes the Spanish construction la de <noun> que (‘the amount/number of <noun> that’). The construction has previously been described as an elliptical variant of la cantidad de <noun> que. The study seeks to determine i) the diachrony of and mechanisms underlying the emergence and diffusion of the la de <noun> que construction, and ii) whether the la de <noun> que construction can indeed be understood as an elliptical construction, or if the elliptical use has been conventionalized to evolve into an independent form-function pairing. Over 2000 observations of diachronic corpus data are analyzed using mixed-effects logistic regression analysis. Three hypotheses are tested: since ellipsis is dependent on predictability from context, the la de <noun> que construction should have emerged in contexts involving high constructional predictability; the two constructions should be functionally distinct; and diffusion should be most observable in contexts involving high constructional probability, and least prominent in contexts of low constructional predictability. The influence of two predictors is measured: the CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY of lexemes (i.e. constructional probability) and REGISTER. The three hypotheses are confirmed. It is argued that diffusion hinges on analogy and that new associative extensions depend on how entrenched previous network associations already are.

    Läs mer om Constructional predictability, entrenchment, and analogical cascade effects
  • Pathways of actualization across regional varieties and the real-time dynamics of syntactic change: Evidence from Spanish oblique relative clauses

    2023. Matti Marttinen Larsson.

    If the same instance of syntactic change is attested across different varieties of the same language, to what extent is the course of actualization noncontingent on regional varieties? This study delves into this question by analyzing approximately 8000 occurrences of Spanish oblique relative clauses from three historical macroregional varieties of Latin American Spanish. A cross-dialectal diachronic variationist analysis using mixed-effects regression modeling tests the hypothesis that, to the extent that actualization is conditioned by cognitive mechanisms and usage factors (such as analogy, frequency, coding efficiency, and accessibility), the trajectories of actualization should unfold cross-varietally in the same manner. The findings corroborate this hypothesis, and furthermore reveal a pattern that demonstrates that part of the variation is entirely functional cross-dialectally, while other constraints act as springboards for actualization. The methodological approach used here thus uncovers dynamics not evident in other variationist approaches to cross-varietal change, such as the comparative sociolinguistic approach.

    Läs mer om Pathways of actualization across regional varieties and the real-time dynamics of syntactic change: Evidence from Spanish oblique relative clauses
  • Variation and change in the Romance possessive constructions

    2020. Miriam Bouzouita, Matti Marttinen Larsson. Moderna Språk 114 (3), 1-44


    In this introductory article, we will first illustrate the great morpho-syntactic diversity that exists in the Romance possessive systems from a comparative perspective, and then detail the recent changes that have taken place. After discussing the various nominal patterns, the use of tonic possessives in the adverbial and verbal domain will be examined. Subsequently, the various contributions of this special issue will be summarized and evaluated.

    Läs mer om Variation and change in the Romance possessive constructions
  • El uso de los adverbios locativos con pronombres posesivos en el español uruguayo: un análisis diacrónico y probabilístico

    2022. Matti Marttinen Larsson, Laura Álvarez López.


    El presente artículo se centra en el uso variable de las construcciones adverbiales locativas del tipo (a)delante de mí – (a)delante mío en el español del Uruguay. Estudiamos los usos de tales variantes, destacando el proceso diacrónico de cambio lingüístico y los mecanismos subyacentes a este. A través del análisis cuantitativo de un conjunto de más de dos mil datos extraídos de cinco corpus comparables, describimos los contextos lingüísticos de empleo de estas construcciones entre 1900 y 2019. Comprobamos que la probabilidad de encontrar la variante posesiva aumenta con el tiempo y que esta forma innovadora se difunde particularmente junto a adverbios prefijados y con referentes de las 1ª y 2ª personas del singular (como en a-delante mío y a-trás tuyo). Al comparar estos resultados con los que se han obtenido anteriormente con datos de España, constatamos que el español uruguayo y el peninsular comparten una gramática probabilística de esta variación morfosintáctica, mostrando tendencias altamente similares con relación a los factores lingüísticos que condicionan el fenómeno estudiado (persona gramatical, número gramatical, tipo de locativo).

    Läs mer om El uso de los adverbios locativos con pronombres posesivos en el español uruguayo

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