Stockholms universitet

Martin WiklundUniversitetslektor, docent

Om mig

Jag är universitetslektor och docent i idé- och lärdomshistoria. Efter disputation i historia 2006 vid Lunds universitet var jag 2007–2017 verksam som postdoktor och forskarassistent i idé- och lärdomshistoria vid Göteborgs universitet. Sedan 2017 har jag varit verksam vid Stockholms universitet.



Jag undervisar på många olika kurser, bl.a. om 1900-talets idéhistoria på grundnivå, på fortsättningskursens metodkurs och på kandidatnivåns uppsatskurs. Jag undervisar även på Dödens idéhistoria, Framtidens idéhistoria och Swedish History of Ideas. Tidigare har jag på andra lärosäten bland annat undervisat om humanioras uppgifter och villkor, om historiemedvetande, berättelseanalys och traumabearbetning, om olika former av kritik och kritiskt tänkande, om kunskapsfilosofi och vetenskapsteori, samt om antiken, medeltid och renässans på grundkursen i idéhistoria.


Min forskning är främst inriktad på historieteori och historiemedvetande, modernitetskritik och modernitetsberättelser, modern politisk idéhistoria i Sverige, filosofihistoria samt humanioras roll i samhället. Min avhandling, I det modernas landskap. Historisk orientering och kritiska berättelser om det moderna Sverige 1960–1990 (Symposion 2006) kombinerade flera av dessa forskningsintressen och var inriktad på politiska modernitetsberättelser, konflikten kring det moderna Sverige och historiemedvetandets förändring under svensk efterkrigstid. Avhandlingen belönades med pris från Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund. Jag har intresserat mig särskilt för Jörn Rüsens historieteoretiska perspektiv och vistades som gästdoktorand ett år hos Rüsen på Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut i Essen. I samband därmed medverkade jag i utgivningen av en samling texter av Rüsen på svenska, Berättande och förnuft (Daidalos, 2004). Som ett resultat av en postdoktortjänst vid Göteborgs universitet utkom 2012 en andra monografi, Historia som domstol. Om historisk värdering och retorisk argumentation kring ”68” (Nya Doxa), som behandlar frågan om att värdera det förflutna och möjligheten att underbygga respektive kritisera bedömningar av det förflutna. 2010–2015 bedrev jag som forskarassistent (Vetenskapsrådet) ett projekt om historiska lärdomar som bruk och missbruk. Under senare år har min forskning varit mer inriktad på historieteori och teorihistoria samt filosofihistoria. För närvarande bedriver jag forskning dels om den spanske filosofen José Ortega y Gasset, dels om historismkrisen och dess betydelse för nutida historieteori. 


Publikationer (tidigare publikationer från andra lärosäten)

Dessa publikationer redovisas ej på DIVA bland mina publikationer från SU. För mina publikationer från SU, se länken till DIVA till höger.


 Historia som domstol. Historisk värdering och retorisk argumentation kring "68". Nora: Nya Doxa 2012.

• I det modernas landskap. Historisk orientering och kritiska berättelser om det moderna Sverige mellan 1960 och 1990. Eslöv/Stockholm: Symposion 2006. (Diss.) 



• Jesper Eckhardt Larsen & Martin Wiklund (red.), Humaniora i kunskapssamhället. En nordisk debattbok. Malmö: NSU Press/Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2012.

• Marie Cronqvist, Lina Sturfelt & Martin Wiklund (red.), 1973. En träff med tidsandan. Nordic Academic Press 2008.

• Jörn Rüsen, Berättande och förnuft. Historieteoretiska texter. Göteborg: Daidalos förlag 2004. (Inledning, urval: Martin Wiklund; övers.: Joachim Retzlaff).


Tidskriftsartiklar och bokkapitel 

• ”Ett ansvarslöst ansvar? Om historikerns ansvar för historiska lärdomar”, Historiens hemvistVol. II: Etik, politik och historikerns ansvar, (red. Patricia Lorenzoni & Ulla Manns), Göteborg/Stockholm: Makadam 2016, 193–216.

• ”Critical ontology, forms of knowledge, and the importance of relevant conceptualization”, Erwägen Wissen Ethik, Jg. 26/2015 (Sommer), 535–538.

• ”Den historiska kunskapens praktiska ändamål. Från avbildning till ett reflexivt och dynamiskt historiemedvetande”, Scandia 2013:2, 113–124.

 ”Frågan om framsteget – plaidoyer för en humanistisk modernitet”, Till vilken nytta? En bok om humanioras möjligheter, (red. Tomas Forser & Thomas Karlsohn). Göteborg: Daidalos 2013, 239–245.

• ”The relative validity of genealogical arguments and narrative justification”, Erwägen Wissen Ethik, Jg. 23/2012 (Heft 4), 583–585.

• (med Jesper Eckhardt Larsen), ”Inledning”, Humaniora i kunskapssamhället, (red. Jesper Eckhardt Larsen & Martin Wiklund). Malmö: NSU Press/Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2012, 7–23.

• ”Humanioras bruksvärde – om kunskapens användning och humanistiska kompetenser bortom instrumentalism”, Humaniora i kunskapssamhället, (red. Jesper Eckhardt Larsen & Martin Wiklund). Malmö: NSU Press/Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2012, 233–258.

• ”Which rationality of meaning? Tensions between two tendencies in Rüsen's perspective on meaning”. Erwägen Wissen Ethik, Jg. 22/2011 (Heft 4), 598–600.

• ”Den moderna antiken och den antika moderniteten”, Språket i historien, historien i språket. En vänbok till Bo Lindberg. Mats Andrén, Henrik Björck, Johan Kärnfelt & Cecilia Rosengren (red.). Arachne nr 22. Göteborgs Universitet, 2011, 109–121.

• ”Historievetenskapens ethos och roller under efterkrigstiden”, Insikt och handling, vol. 23 (2010), 93–114.

• ”Historiska lärdomar som bruk och missbruk – om behovet av ett kritiskt och konstruktivt perspektiv”, Röster från Humanisten, 2010, Göteborgs universitet

• ”Meaning in history beyond instrumental rationality. The concepts of meaning and rationality of meaning in Jörn Rüsen’s theory of history”, Ideas in History, 2/2008, 57–86. 

• ”Além da racionalidade instrumental: sentido histórico e racionalidade na teoria da história de Jörn Rüsen”, História da Historiografia, No. 1, agosto 2008, 19–44. (Översättning: Pedro Spinola Pereira Caldas).

• ”1973 som prisma. 1970-talets tidsanda och dess innebörder”, Cronqvist, M/ Sturfelt, L/ Wiklund, M (red.), 1973. En träff med tidsandan. Lund: Nordic Academic Press 2008, 160–177.

• ”»68» inför historiens domstol”, Vetenskapssocieteten i Lunds årsbok 2007, 128–142.

• ”Historia som domstol och strävan efter historisk rättvisa”, Andersson, Lars M. & Tydén, Mattias (red), Sverige och Nazityskland. Skuldfrågor och moraldebatt. Dialogos 2007, 365–391.

• ”Inledning. Det historiska berättandet och historiekulturens förnuft”, Rüsen, Jörn, Berättande och förnuft. Historieteoretiska texter. Göteborg: Daidalos förlag 2004, 13–25.

• ”Kalla kriget som motbild i 60-talsvänsterns berättelse”, Salomon, K/ Larsson, L/ Arvidsson, H (red.), Hotad idyll. Berättelser om svenskt folkhem och kallt krig, Lund: Nordic Academic Press 2004, 241–266.

• ”Leninismens renässans i 1960-talets Sverige”, Den Jyske Historiker, (Tema ”Opbrud i 1960erne”), Nr. 101, Juli 2003, 95–119.

• ”Ernst Cassirers frihetsbegrepp”, Prismer (14. Årg) Forår 1997, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Århus Universitet.


I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Historisera nutiden! Att skapa stora diakrona meningssammanhang för nutidens praktiska frågor

    2022. Martin Wiklund. Konsten att kontextualisera, 167-181


    Whereas historical contextualization is often understood in terms of reconstructing conditions and circumstances in the past, this chapter analyses how to historicize the present. More specifically, it investigates how to construct large diachronic contexts of meaning for practical questions in the present. Philippe Ariès’ history of how attitudes toward death have changed from the Middle Ages to the present in Western culture is used as a guiding example. Compared to many other historians of mentalities who also use large diachronic perspectives, a particular feature of Ariès’ perspective is that the present is included in the diachronic context of meaning and that the diachronic context is used to historicize the present and to throw critical light on normative issues, such as how to handle death and dying. The structure of Ariès’ diachronic context of meaning is analyzed in three parts: a) a main theme that connects the past to the present (attitudes toward death), b) a differentiation of aspects of the main theme (e.g. whether death is preferably well prepared or unexpected, and whether dying is public or private), c) a periodization of the changes of attitudes that exposes contrasts and transformations that in Ariès’ view have resulted in the tendency to avoid talking about people’s own death in the twentieth century. This form of contextualization can be used also for other topics. The analysis provides guidance for historians who wish to historicize phenomena in the present by constructing a large diachronic context of meaning.

    Läs mer om Historisera nutiden! Att skapa stora diakrona meningssammanhang för nutidens praktiska frågor
  • ”Modernitet”

    2022. Martin Wiklund. Svenska begreppshistorier, 391-417


    The article outlines the history of the concept of modernity in Sweden. The word is related to several different concepts. Three different kinds of concepts of modernity of particular relevance in this context are distinguished, a concept of an epoch (”den moderna tiden”), a concept of a form of society (”det moderna samhället”), and a normative concept of progess, pointing out the direction of progress. The etymological roots of ”modern” and ”modernitet” are traced and historical examples are given of uses of words corresponding to the three different concepts, from early examples to examples from the 19th century, the period before 1945 and the post war era. The rhetoric of ”the modern breakthrough” has been influential in Swedish historiography, but used with different periodization. After 1945 the word ”modernism” came to be used more often as a label for aesthetic currents that had often been labelled ”modern” or ”new” in their own time. In the social sciences, ”modernism” has been much used to label a positive attitude to modern society and modernization, leading to some confusion with regard to modernism in aesthetic discourse. When the word ”modernitet” became more frequent as a theoretical concept in academic discourse in the 1980s and onwards, it was often associated with ”the project of Enlightenment” and rationalization. In the critical analyses of modernity, ”modernitet” tended to be treated with distance and as an object in the past, separating the dimension of progress from concept. ”Moderniteten” seems to have become a society and an in the past, and the words ”modernitet” and ”modern have become less frequent. Belief in progress and development seem to have become related to other concepts and express with other words. Nontheless, much of the perspective on progress is based on ideals that used to be associated with modernity and modernism.

    Läs mer om ”Modernitet”
  • A Historical Practical Past beyond Neo-Kantianism and Nietzscheanism: Ortega’s Razón Histórica as an alternative response to the Crisis of Historicism

    2021. Martin Wiklund. Storia della Storiografia 80 (2), 87-108


    This article is an analysis of José Ortega y Gasset’s conception of historical reason (la razón histórica) as a response to the crisis of historicism in the early twentieth century. Ortega’s efforts to historicise and vitalise the concept of reason was not formulated only as a new direction for philosophy, but also as a new direction for history. The analysis traces the development and meaning of Ortega’s historical reason, and draws attention to peculiar parallels with Ernst Troeltsch’s perspective on historicism. It also articulates a number of problems related to the crisis of historicism that Ortega addressed in the formulation of la razón histórica. This analysis indirectly throws light on problems that are relevant also for contemporary theory of history. Compared to other directions, such as Hayden White’s practical past, historicist contextualism and neo-realist objectivism, Ortega indicates an alternative that goes beyond the distinction between the practical and the historical past, transcends the fact/value distinction of Neo-Kantianism and positivism and provides a dimension of practical reason based on historical experience. Ortega’s response to the crisis of historicism in terms of a reconstruction of a dialectical series of historical experiences can be understood as a historical form of practical argumentation.

    Läs mer om A Historical Practical Past beyond Neo-Kantianism and Nietzscheanism
  • På spaning efter den erfarenhet som flytt: Förlusten och återkomsten av historisk erfarenhet som underliggande mönster i 1900-talets historieteori

    2021. Martin Wiklund. Moderniteten som framgång och tragedi, 257-270


    This article aims to reveal an underlying pattern in the theory of history in the 20th century: the loss and revival of historical experience. While the dominant approach of the 19th century was characterized by historical perspectives, in the 20th century practical orientation was more often characterized by ahistorical approaches. This shift can be traced to the crisis of historicism and its crisis of the relevance of history for the present. The crisis gave rise to various ahistorical perspectives on society and values. But the experiences of the 20th century and the loss of experience also motivated some historians to develop new perspectives that could regain historical experience for practical orientation. This is illustrated with examples from three directions in historical research: Reinhart Koselleck, Hans-Ulrich Wehler's Gesellschaftsgeschichte and a concept of listening to the voices of the past in memory studies. A central trajectory for the theory of history in the 20th century can thus be formulated in terms of historical experience lost and regained.

    Läs mer om På spaning efter den erfarenhet som flytt
  • Filosofi i det populistiska tillståndet: Filosofins och universitetets uppgifter i ljuset av Ortega y Gassets diagnos av samtidens kris

    2020. Martin Wiklund. En plats för tänkande, 79-102


    This article analyses José Ortega y Gasset’s ideas of the tasks of philosophy and the university and how they were related to his diagnosis of the crisis of modern European culture. The texts ’Misión de la universidad’, ’Qué es filosofía?’ and ’La rebelión de las masas’, all written around 1930, are interpreted in light of each other to expose this relationship. Instead of simply declaring tasks for philosophy and the university, Ortega turned these issues into objects of historico-philosophical analysis. The tasks of philosophy and the university were historicized, corresponding to their changing roles in society, and related to the demands of the new situation in the present. The character of the present was not simply determined by applying a ready-made understanding of society, but was itself made an object of historico-philosophical diagnosis. The tasks that Ortega formulated for philosophy (to formulate a new form of reason related to life; to analyse the fundamental structure of ’life’ in the present) and the university (to transmit culture at the level of cultural development; to build a new cultural foundation as a vital system of ideas based on the current level of the disciplines; to act as a cultivating counter-balance to the power of the media) can be seen as part of the solution to the problems diagnosed in ’La rebelión de las masas’: the loss of the former cultural foundation; violence and nihilistic lack of respect for basic norms of civilization; self-righteous presentism and narrow-minded specialization. The final part points to worrying parallels between Ortega’s diagnosis and our contemporary populist condition and raises the question of a future alternative: a philosophical condition with a philosophical democracy based on philosophical citizens. Whether this is possible or not, Ortega’s analysis demonstrates the need to relate the question of the tasks of philosophy and the university to a diagnosis of the present.

    Läs mer om Filosofi i det populistiska tillståndet
  • Introduction: History as Diagnosis

    2019. Martin Wiklund, Pedro Spinola Pereira Caldas. Tempo 25 (3), 667-672


    The very idea of a theme issue about History as Diagnosis emerged from a need to show how Historical Theory could be understood as an independent approach towards ready-made theories and abstract models, especially in historical moments immediately perceived as critical. The idea of history as diagnosis offers possibilities of interpreting symptoms and identifying pathologies in both society and in research in an empirically sensitive and theoretically innovative way

    Läs mer om Introduction
  • The Ideal of Justice and its Significance for Historians as Engaged Intellectuals

    2019. Martin Wiklund. The Engaged Historian, 44-62


    During the twentieth century the intellectual typically had the role of a prosecutor, criticizing wrongs and injustices, paradigmatically expressed by Emile Zola. The paper uses the analogy of a court of justice to articulate the responsibilities and pitfalls of the historian as intellectual and defends the importance of justice as a regulative idea for interpretations and judgments. The reasonable critique of intellectuals’ sometimes overestimated claims to truth, universality and ideological validity calls for a new ethics of intellectual engagement, that goes beyond specific ideological commitments, value neutrality, scientific method or mere empirical correspondence as criteria. The paper claims that justice of memory is an important dimension of such an ethics and points to a number of relevant aspects of the meaning of justice for historical interpretations.

    Läs mer om The Ideal of Justice and its Significance for Historians as Engaged Intellectuals
  • Theme issue: History as Diagnosis

    2019. .

    Bok (red)

    The very idea of a theme issue about History as Diagnosis emerged from a need to show how Historical Theory could be understood as an independent approach towards ready-made theories and abstract models, especially in historical moments immediately perceived as critical. The idea of history as diagnosis offers possibilities of interpreting symptoms and identifying pathologies in both society and in research in an empirically sensitive and theoretically innovative way.

    Läs mer om Theme issue: History as Diagnosis
  • "Rüsen’s response to the crisis of historicism"

    2017. Martin Wiklund. Intelligere, Revista de História Intelectual 3 (2), 90-104


    Although Rüsen only discusses the crisis of historicism explicitly in his work occasionally, his general perspective on historical knowledge can be interpreted as a response to the crisis. Different responses to the crisis of historicism correspond to different interpretations of its main problems. In order to specify Rüsen’s response, a number of aspects of his perspective are pointed out as solutions to such problems. Indirectly, the analysis discloses problems that any plausible attempt to come to terms with the crisis of historicism ought to handle. By identifying differences to other contemporary responses to the crisis of historicism, the continuing relevance of Rüsen’s approach is demonstrated.

    Läs mer om "Rüsen’s response to the crisis of historicism"
  • Framstegets divergerande riktningar: Modernitetskritik och framstegsvägar i 1800-talets moderna landskap

    2017. Martin Wiklund. En annan riktning framåt, 11-48


    The article initially points to some stereotypical narratives about 19th culture used during the 20th century that tend to obscure the understanding of critique of modernity and the diversity of directions of progress in the 19th century. Critique of modernity has to be analyzed in relation to some notion or narrative of modernity. Examples are given of different forms of critique of modernity and narratives of alternative directions of progress in 19th century Sweden. In order to bring some order to the diversity and to further reflection and discussion across different narratives of modernity, a meta-perspective is outlined in the form of a landscape of modernities with its different roads, directions and turning-points.

    Läs mer om Framstegets divergerande riktningar
  • Hermeneutik som metod

    2021. Martin Wiklund. Lychnos, 407-409


    Recension av Nils Gilje, Hermeneutik som metod. En historisk introduktion

    Läs mer om Hermeneutik som metod
  • Kim Salomon (red.), Tiden (Göteborg/Stockholm: Makadam Förlag 2017)

    2019. Martin Wiklund. Historisk Tidskrift 139 (1), 130-132


    Frågan om tid ligger i tiden. Fenomen som tidsbrist, nostalgi och det förflutnas återkomst, liksom missnöje med framstegstänkandet och idén om historien som en enda sammanhållen utvecklingsprocess väcker frågor om alternativa förhållningssätt till tid. I stället för att söka ett enhetligt svar på vad tid egentligen är, är det dock, liksom med många andra abstrakta be-grepp (sanning, kunskap, mening, erfarenhet, förnuft osv.) insiktsbringande och klargörande att differentiera fenomenet och att undersöka det i olika sammanhang. Hur fungerar tid här, inom den här samhällssfären, inom den här disciplinen, i det här avseendet? Sådana frågor belyses i antologin Tiden av välrenommerade forskare från en mängd discipliner: idéhistoria, historia, filosofi, litteraturvetenskap, filmvetenskap, medie- och kommu-nikationsvetenskap, sociologi, arkeologi, islamologi, biologi, teoretisk fysik och astrofysik. Den vackert utformade volymen består förutom redaktörens inledning av 16 korta texter om vardera 10–15 sidor. Här finns inte möjlighet att redogöra för alla texters innehåll, men några exempel ska ges.

    Läs mer om Kim Salomon (red.), Tiden (Göteborg/Stockholm: Makadam Förlag 2017)

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