Stockholms universitet

Sara EkströmUniversitetslektor, forskare

Om mig

Vikarierande lektor och fil.dr i idéhistoria.


Den 26 maj 2023 disputerade jag på den idéhistoriska avhandlingen Att styra genom känslor. Regeringskonst i tre gustavianska projekt vid Stockholms universitet. Den handlar om idéer om politiskt styrande och den mänskliga naturen som aktualiserades under sent 1700-tal. Tre projekt som sjösattes av kung Gustav III undersöks: Vasaorden (1772), den nationella dräkten (1778) och Svenska Akademien (1786). Idéer och diskussioner om teknologier för styrning och subjektsskapande – vilket kan kallas regeringskonst – studeras. Analysen är inspirerad av teoribildningen om Michel Foucaults begrepp governmentality och av forskningsfälten om känslohistoria och nationell identitet. Avhandlingen behandlar hur känslor och begär problematiserades. Vilka mänskliga drivkrafter skulle uppmuntras? Vilka skulle inte uppmuntras? Varför? Hur? På så vis undersöks hur en suverän under sent 1700-tal kunde plocka upp element som kan betecknas som liberala i sin styrning. Men det går också att se hur det parallellt fanns andra, äldre, idéer om hur den mänskliga naturen fungerade och bäst skulle styras.



Den gustavianska tiden, governmentality, känslohistoria, nationell identiet


I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Att styra genom känslor: Regeringskonst i tre gustavianska projekt

    2023. Sara Ekström.

    Avhandling (Dok)

    The eighteenth century is sometimes referred to as the Age of Sentiment. Emotions were attributed great importance, both as driving forces for human behaviour, and as a moral compass. They were also important in political rule. This also pertains to Sweden and the reign of Gustav III. Gustav (1746–1792) became king in 1771. One year later, in 1772, he staged a coup d’état, reintroducing a strong royal power after almost half a century of parliamentary rule. Two decades later he was assassinated by political opponents. 

    This dissertation analyses ideas of government and human nature that were actualized in this late eighteenth-century context. More specifically, it examines discussions about technologies of government and subject formation in relation to three royal projects, launched in different periods of the reign of Gustav III: the Order of Vasa (1772), the National Dress (1778), and the Swedish Academy (1786). In the analysis, I am inspired by Michel Foucault's concept of governmentality. I particularly draw on Foucault’s description of a historically specific breakthrough – starting in the mid-eighteenth century ­– for a type of exercise of power that can be called liberal. I also draw on the research fields of History of Emotions and National Identity. 

    In the discussions surrounding the three projects, one can see expressions of a type of logic of government that I, based on Foucauldian theory, call liberal. By this I mean that the population was regarded as constituted by subjects whose self-interested driving forces in the form of emotions and desires could be put into play – activated and channelled by the state in order to achieve various objectives. As long as these goals were perceived as beneficial for the society, the inherent morality of people’s desires was considered of less importance. However, other and older ideas of the best way of governing self-interested emotions and desires, such as what I call virtue-oriented politics of emotion, were also at play, interfering with the new, “liberal” ideas in various ways. 

    In claiming that Gustav III’s politics of emotions can to some extent be characterized as liberal, I do not imply that the king had a liberal worldview or that he believed that society should be structured in an egalitarian manner. However, this dissertation argues that Gustav III and some of the people surrounding him experimented with government according to a liberal logic. I claim that the king made use of enlightenment ideas not only as inspiration for reforms or as means of branding himself as an enlightened monarch, but also as tools for theorizing about effective governance of the population. This shift in focus complicates the picture of the emergence of liberal government in Sweden. My examples show that liberal government may sometimes be preferred purely on the basis of the idea that it is effective, and on that basis even an eighteenth-century sovereign could experiment with it. This dissertation thus contributes to a more complex picture of the rule of Gustav III, as well as to a refined understanding of the history of liberal government.

    Läs mer om Att styra genom känslor
  • Att styra som en filosof: Gustav III:s känslopolitik genom Gustav Vasa-skulpturens invigning

    2022. Sara Ekström. Lychnos, 175-191


    In the eighteenth century, notions of emotions played an important role in philosophy, politics and social life. This article examines the usage of emotions in politics by analysing king Gustav III's (1771–1792) plan for the inauguration of the sculpture of king Gustav Vasa outside of the House of Nobility in Stockholm. The plan was inspired by a letter from the French physiocrat Pierre Samuel Dupont de Nemours to Gustav III's friend and old chief tutor Carl Fredrik Scheffer, transmitted to the king by Scheffer. By employing theories from the field of history of emotions, especially Ute Frevert's Gefühlspolitik (2012), the article sheds light on aspects of Gustav III's government. When describing the effects of imagination and emotional movement among the participants of the inauguration, Gustav III compared humans to machines, probably inspired by the French materialists. The king aimed to enhance the emotions of the participants of the celebration through music, singing, dancing and eloquence. The object was to inspire love for the fatherland and hatred for the "foreign yoke", represented by Gustav Vasa's fight against the Danish king 200 years earlier. This planned and calculated usage of emotions like sympathy and enthusiasm indicate inspiration from enlightenment philosophy to use and canalize aspects of human nature to lead towards the designated objects of government.

    Läs mer om Att styra som en filosof
  • Cool Nature: Utopian Landscapes in Sweden 1780–1840

    2022. Anna Albrektson (et al.). Sjuttonhundratal 19, 94-116


    In this essay, an interdisciplinary group of researchers sets out to address the period 1780–1840 in Sweden in a new way, by placing nature at its centre. With the help of ecocritical and transcultural theory, combined with renewed attention to the Swedish fine arts, learned discourses, and practices, we suggest a new approach to these revolutionary decades. The perceived dissonance, the interplay between climatic conditions and cultural template in early modern and modern Sweden, has not been fully addressed in current research, despite the fact that the relationship between humankind and the environment is a central issue in contemporary society and scholarship. Representations of nature situate the nation, they negotiate the relationship between a sensed reality and an ideal, between human and more-than-human beings. We suggest a focus on the unpredictable space created by negotiations of nature in Swedish representations during this crucial period, and, furthermore, on the ways in which this creative space is charged with utopian possibilities in the early Anthropocene. This is the background and the driving force of the planned research project ‘Cool Nature: Utopian Landscapes in Sweden 1780–1840’.

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