Stockholms universitet

Philip ShawProfessor emeritus

Om mig

Professor emeritus i lingvistik vid Engelska institutionen.

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I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Developing a new academic vocabulary test

    2019. Diane Pecorari, Philip Shaw, Hans Malmström. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 39, 59-71


    Despite the central role of vocabulary in language learning, and the increasing interest in academic vocabulary, materials for testing academic vocabulary are not common. This paper reports on the development of a new test of academic vocabulary. Test items were based on a relatively recently developed list of academic vocabulary. They were then piloted, refined, and two comparable forms of the test were produced. The paper describes the approaches used to assess the validity and equivalence of the two forms of the test. Research and pedagogical implications and uses of the test are discussed. 

    Läs mer om Developing a new academic vocabulary test
  • Engaging with Terminology in the Multilingual Classroom

    2017. Hans Malmström (et al.). Classroom Discourse 8 (1), 3-18


    In some academic settings where English is not the first language it is nonetheless common for reading to be assigned in English, and the expectation is often that students will acquire subject terminology incidentally in the first language as well as in English as a result of listening and reading. It is then a prerequisite that students notice and engage with terminology in both languages. To this end, teachers’ classroom practices for making students attend to and engage with terms are crucial for furthering students’ vocabulary competence in two languages. Using transcribed video recordings of eight undergraduate lectures from two universities in such a setting, this paper provides a comprehensive picture of what teachers ‘do’ with terminology during a lecture, i.e. how terms are allowed to feature in the classroom discourse. It is established, for example, that teachers nearly always employ some sort of emphatic practice when using a term in a lecture. However, the repertoire of such practices is limited. Further, teachers rarely adapt their repertoires to cater to the special needs arguably required in these settings, or to exploit the affordances of multilingual environments.

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