Halvtidsseminarium i psykologi, med Maria Wijkander


Datum: onsdag 5 februari 2025

Tid: 09.30 – 11.30

Plats: Seminarierum Jordgubbe, Hus 4, plan 3, Albano

Onsdag 5 februari, kl. 9:30–11:30: Doktorand Maria Wijkander, Psykologiska institutionen, talar om och diskuterar sitt avhandlingsarbete om "Determinants of sickness absence due to mental disorders. Studies of the interplay between individual characteristics and exposures to work related stressors" i ett så kallat halvtidsseminarium.

Maria Wijkander
Maria Wijkander

Halvtidsseminariet äger rum onsdag den 5 februari 2025, kl. 9:30–11:30 i seminarierum Jordgubbe, Albano, Hus 4, plan 3.

Språk: Seminariet är på engelska men delar av diskussionen kan bli på svenska.

Universitetslektor Helena Falkenberg (senior)
Doktorand Rebecca Fältén (junior)

Docent Linda Magnusson Hanson, Psykologiska institutionen (huvudhandledare), professor Petra Lindfors, Psykologiska institutionen, och Tianwei Xu, Psykologiska institutionen.

Läs mer om Maria Wijkander

Sammanfattning (på engelska)

Long-term sickness absence is generally associated to several negative consequences both for society at large and the affected individual. Especially, sickness absence due to common mental disorders (CMD) is a growing problem in many countries, including Sweden, as the number of individuals on sickness absence due to stress-related mental disorders is increasing. Hence, there is a need to learn more about who ends up on sickness absence due to CMD and why. Previous studies have suggested that exposure to several psychosocial work characteristics is associated to mental health problems and such characteristics may thus also be risk factors for sickness absence. However, not all who are exposed develop mental disorders, therefore, factors related to the individual seems to also be of interest.

The aim of this thesis is to investigate potential work-related predictors of sickness absence due to mental disorders and furthermore to assess the impact that individual factors such as sex, age, genetic disposition and personality may have on any associations.

The four studies included in the thesis investigates both exposure to social stressors at work, such as exposure to work-related violence/threats and bullying as well as a stressor more related to the organization namely job insecurity. The first three studies included in the thesis are investigating exposure to the above-mentioned stressors and the association to sickness absence due to mental disorders while also considering a range of confounding factors. The first study furthermore examines group differences by investigating the interplay between exposures and demographic factors in terms of age and sex, while study two and three also assesses the impact of personality.

By using samples consisting of exposure-discordant twin pairs (derived from the Swedish Twin registry) we were, in two of the included studies, furthermore able to adjust the analyses for unmeasured familial confounding such as genetics and shared early environment, which is not usually possible in observational studies.

The preliminary focus of the fourth study will be on different trajectories of sickness absence due to CMD following onset of exposure to a work stressor. The research question also concerns how and if individual factors, such as age, sex and personality influence the trajectory of sickness absence following exposure to a work-related stressor.

Avdelningen för psykobiologi och epidemiologi ansvarar för dagens seminarium. Kontaktperson är Linda Magnusson Hanson.

Om Allmänna seminarieserien

Institutionens forskningsavdelningar samarbetar i Allmänna seminarieserien, där nationella och internationella forskare inbjuds att tala om aktuella forskningsämnen. Seminarierna äger rum onsdagar kl. 14–15 i Albano om annat ej anges, med eller utan stöd av Zoom. Extraseminarier kan förekomma på andra dagar och tider, bland annat halvtidsseminarier i forskarutbildningen.

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