

AnthroTalking is a podcast produced by a group of students currently enrolled in the department’s master’s programme. The podcasts feature interviews with anthropologists from Sweden and abroad. You will hear them reflect upon their work and their experiences in the field, and comment on a wide array of issues and debates.

If you have suggestions for future episodes or feedback on any of the episodes, please email

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Welcome to the third series of AnthroTalking!

Previous episodes can be found by clicking on Series 1 and Series 2 in the menu to the left.

Assunta Hunter

Assunta Hunter on fieldwork in Thailand and working as a practitioner of herbal medicine

In this episode of AnthroTalking, we talk to Assunta Hunter, PhD in medical anthropology, and long-time herbal medicine practitioner and teacher of herbal medicine. She talks about her fieldwork and describes a new breed of practitioners in Thailand who move freely between ‘traditional’ and ‘modern’ knowledge.


Universitetsvägen 10 B
Frescati, Stockholm
Södra huset ingång B, plan 6

Stockholms universitet
Socialantropologiska institutionen
Universitetsvägen 10 B
106 91 Stockholm


Stockholms Universitet


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Bankgiro: 5050-0206
VAT nummer: SE202100306201
Organisationsnummer: 202100-3062


AnthroTalking is a podcast produced by a group of students currently enrolled in the department’s master’s programme. The podcasts feature interviews with anthropologists from Sweden and abroad. You will hear them reflect upon their work and their experiences in the field, and comment on a wide array of issues and debates. If you have suggestions for future episodes or feedback on any of the episodes, please email

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