Department of Social Anthropology

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Information about teaching during the spring semester 2022 (updated 2022-02-25)

Beginning with Part C of the semester starting March 22 the Department of Social Anthropology will return to campus teaching. More information will be communicated by course teachers on the Athena teaching platform. We look forward to seeing all students back on campus!

We are hiring two tenured Senior Lecturers

The Department of Social Anthropology at Stockholm University is hiring two tenured Senior Lecturers. The application deadline is April 19, 2022.

Blue square

Information about teaching during the spring semester 2022 (updated January 28)

In light of the increasing spread of Covid-19, all teaching at the Department of Social Anthropology will be held online via Zoom during Part A and B of the spring semester (January 17 – March 21). This means that students with mild symptoms will be able to take part in teaching. More information about how this affects individual courses will be communicated via the teaching platform Athena. Information about teaching during later term parts will be communicated on an ongoing basis and as soon as possible. Since rates of infection are expected to drop soon and restrictions eased within a few weeks, we hope to be able to return to campus teaching March 22.

Anthropology for a better world

Are you an anthropologist who wants to make the world better?Then Anthropology & Society book series is eager to receive your book proposal

Maria Malmström face

The Desire to Disappear in Order Not to Disappear

This article by Maria Frederika Malmström in The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology tells a story of the aftermath of the ‘failed revolution’ in Egypt through the prism of sound and gendered political prisoner bodies. It created embodied re-actions among Cairene men—years after their lived prison experiences—in which depression, sorrow, stress, paranoia, rage, or painful body memories are prevalent.

A view on the coup from the unruly edges of Myanmar

In this piece, drawing on fieldwork experiences in Myanmar, Tomas Cole of the Department of Social Anthropology at Stockholm University, warns about the skewed understanding of the country and the coup that results when the analytic (or journalistic) gaze is too narrow. He dreams of a future federal and democratic Myanmar, a disbanded Tatmadaw and genuine peace for all.

Photo: Benjamin Small

New story ”Someone else’s memento” by Helena Wulff published in OtherwiseMag

When it was time for my widowed father to move to an old people’s home, I had to clean out his house. Starting with his desk, I soon found an old-fashioned fountain pen carelessly tucked into a drawer. The pen brought back fond memories of my Norwegian grandmother Astrid. I remembered how intrigued I had been by her writing desk, a secretaire made of light brown birchwood with small drawers in front. 

Stockholm Anthropology Roundtable

"Ecography: Exploring Relational Methods" has been rescheduled to 5-6th May 2022.

Seedways book cover

Collecting, saving and securing seeds has become a global concern

Annika Rabo, Professor Emerita of Social Anthropology, and Beppe Karlsson, Professor of Social Anthropology, are the editors of the newly published book Seedways - The circulation, control and care of plants in a warming world. The book is about seeds and why and how seeds matter today, as in the past. In a historical perspective the co-evolution of plants and humans can be traced through myths, rituals and cultural practices. In our present-day world of accelerating climate change, expansion of monocultural plantations and loss of biodiversity, collecting, saving and securing seeds has become a global concern. The volume is the result of a two-day international symposium held at the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities in Stockholm 2018.

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Ethnos Journal of Anthropology