
The list below includes key publications using SPIN data. It also contains publications using early and preliminary versions of SPIN data modules, such as SSIB (Svensk socialpolitik i internationell belysning).


Baranowska-Rataj, A. (2022). The impact of the parental division of paid labour on depressive symptoms: The moderating role of social policies. Acta Sociologica, 65(3), 275-292. DOI: 10.1177/00016993211066261

Baranowska-Rataj, A., Högberg, B., & Bernardi, L. (2022). Parental unemployment and adolescent wellbeing – the moderating role of educational policies. LIVES Working Paper, 91/2022. DOI:

Billingsley, S., Neyer, G., & Wesolowski, K. (2022). Social investment policies and childbearing across 20 countries: Longitudinal and micro-level analyses. European Journal of Population,

Bridgen, P., Meyer, T., & Davison, L. (2022). It’s not late entry: human capital, welfare states and the pension penalty experienced by post-war migrants who retired in the European Economic Area. Ageing & Society, 1-33. doi:10.1017/S0144686X21001811

Byun, Y-H. (2022). Welfare expansion without inequality reduction: Institutional explanation of old-age poverty in Korea. Journal of Social Policy, 1-21. DOI:

Calnitsky, D. (2022). The policy road to socialism. Critical Sociology, 48(3), 397-422.

Czarnecki, K. (2022). Political party families and student social rights. Journal of European Social Policy, 32(3), 317-332.

Diop-Christensen, A., & Diop, L.E. (2022). What do asylum seekers prioritise – safety or welfare benefits? The influence of policies on asylum flows to the EU15 countries. Journal of Refugee Studies, 35(2), 849-873. DOI:

Gray, E., Reimondos, A., Lazzari, E., Breuinig, R., Steinhauser, R., Zhang, J., Biddle, N., & Gray, M. (2022). Impacts of Policies on Fertility Rates. Australian National University. Retrieved from:

Kayran, E.N., & Kolbe., M. (2022). Institutional sources of trust resilience in diverse societies: The mitigating role of inclusive and egalitarian welfare state institutions. In Crepaz, M. M. L. (Ed.) Handbook on Migration and Welfare, pp. 276-296. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Nelson, K., Borg, I., & Nieuwenhuis, R., & Alm, S. (2022). The political determinants of housing benefits, European Sociological Review, 1-14, DOI:

Röth, L., Spies, D., Schmidt-Catran, A. (2022). From immigration over redistributive attitudes to welfare spending. The moderating role of social program design. European Political Science Review, 14, 498-519. DOI:

Van Gerven, M., Mesiäislehto, M., Saikku, P., Ollonqvist, J., Malava, T., & Tuominen, N. (2022). Eri poluilla työllisyyteen: Suomen sosiaaliturvajärjestelmän erityispiirteet ja ongelmakohdat kansainvälisessä vertailussa. Valtioneuvoston Selvitys- ja Tutkimustoiminnan Julkaisusarja, 2022:51. Retrieved from:

Wiß, T. (2022). Continental European welfare states. In Greve, B. (Ed.), De Gruyter Handbook of Contemporary Welfare States, 65-84.


Ayaz, M., Fricke, L., Fuest, C., & Sachs, D. (2021). Who Should Bear the Burden of Covid-19 Related Fiscal Pressure? An Optimal Income Taxation Perspective. CESifo Working Paper, No. 9420, Center for Economic Studies and ifo Institute (CESifo), Munich.


Baranowska-Rataj, A., Högberg, B., & Bernardi, L. (2021). Parental unemployment and adolescent wellbeing: The moderating role of educational policies. Retrieved from: https://


Baranowska-Rataj, A., & Strandh, M. (2021). When things go wrong with you, it hurts me too: The effects of partner’s employment status on health in comparative perspective. Journal of European Social Policy, 31(2), 143-160.


Bolukbasi, H. T., Öktem, K. G., & Savaş, E. (2021). Measuring welfare states beyond the three worlds: Refining state-of-the-art tools. Social Policy & Administration. Online first article, doi:10.1111/spol.12708.


Bridgen, P. (2021). Incremental or paradigm-shifting? Evidence about the retrenchment of public pension schemes in the industrialised world from expenditure and replacement rate data, 1980-2015. In Greve, B. (Ed.), Handbook on Austerity, Populism, and the Welfare State, pp. 244-264. Edward Elgar Publishing.


Cronert, A. (2021). Unemployment benefits in the 21st century: New dimensions of retrenchment and the roles of austerity and populism. In Greve, B., editor, Handbook on Austerity, Populism and the Welfare State, pages 265–280. Edward Elgar Publishing.


Diop-Christensen, A. and Diop, L. E. (2021). What do asylum seekers prioritise—safety or welfare benefits? The influence of policies on asylum flows to the EU15 countries. Journal of Refugee Studies. Online first article, doi:10.1093/jrs/feab077/6329893.


Forslund, M. (2021). Is it adding up? The cumulative effect of sickness benefits on life expectancy in old age in 15 OECD countries 1960–2015. Health & Place, 70:102607.


Fredriksson, D. (2021). Reducing unemployment? Examining the interplay between active labour market policies. Social Policy & Administration, 55(1):1–17.


Jutz, R. (2021). Health inequalities in Europe: Does a minimum income protection make a difference?. Current Sociology, 69(1), 99-118.


Mårtensson, M., Österman, M., Palme, J., and Ruhs, M. (2021). Shielding free movement? Reciprocity in welfare institutions and opposition to EU labour immigration. Journal of European Public Policy. Online first article, doi:10.1080/13501763.2021.1981980.


Nelson, K. and Nieuwenhuis, R. (2021). Towards a new consolidated framework for analysing benefit coverage. Journal of European Social Policy, 31(3):352–362.


Nieuwenhuis, R., Goedemé, T., Dalén, P., Delanghe, H., Doctrinal, L., Nelson, K., Sirén, S., & Penne, T. (2021). A New Framework for Data on Public Service: Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) and Compulsory Education. Deliverable 9.6, Leuven, InGRID-2 project. Retrieved from:


Rasmussen, M., & Knutsen, C. (2021). Party Institutionalization and Welfare State Development. British Journal of Political Science, 51(3), 1203–1229. 


Wesolowski, K., Billingsley, S., Neyer, G. (2021). Family policy support for the earner-carer and traditional-family models in Lithuania and Sweden. In Aidukaite, J., Hort, S.E.O., Kuhnle, S. (Eds.), Challenges to the Welfare State: Family and Pension Policies in the Baltic and Nordic Countries, 72-94. Edward Elgar Publishing.


Bandau, F., & Ahrens, L. (2020). The impact of partisanship in the era of retrenchment: Insights from quantitative welfare state research. Journal of European Social Policy, 30(1), 34-47.


de Breij, S., Huisman, M., & Deeg, D. J. (2020). Educational differences in macro-level determinants of early exit from paid work: a multilevel analysis of 14 European countries. European Journal of Ageing, 17(2), 217-227.


de Breij, S., Huisman, M., & Deeg, D.J. (2020). Macro-level determinants of post-retirement health and health inequalities: A multilevel analysis of 18 European countries. Social Science & Medicine, 245. DOI:


Breznau, N. (2020). Bi-Directional Feedback to the Welfare State and Public Opinion. Retrieved from:


Damme, M. (2020). The negative female educational gradient of union dissolution: Towards an explanation in six European countries. In Mortelmans, D. (Ed.), Divorce in Europe: New insights in trends, causes and consequences of relation break-ups (pp. 93-122).


Ferragina, E. (2020). Family policy and women's employment outcomes in 45 high-income countries: A systematic qualitative review of 238 comparative and national studies. Social Policy & Administration, 54(7), 1016-1066.


Herd, D., Kim, Y., & Carrasco, C. (2020). Canada's Forgotten Poor?: Putting Singles Living in Deep Poverty on the Policy Radar. IRPP. Retrieved from: uploads/2020/09/Canada-Forgotten-Poor-Putting-Singles-Living-in-Deep-Poverty-on-the Policy-Radar.pdf.


Kenworthy, L. (2020). Social Democratic Capitalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Knutsen, C. H., & Rasmussen, M. B. (2020). Majoritarian systems, rural groups, and (arrested) welfare state development. International Political Science Review, 41(2), 238– 254.


Nelson, K., Fredriksson, D., Korpi, T., Korpi, W., Palme, J. and O. Sjöberg. (2020). The Social Policy Indicators (SPIN) database. International Journal of Social Welfare. 29 (3). 285–289.


Noël, A. (2020). Is social investment inimical to the poor?. Socio-Economic Review, 18(3), 857–880.


Noël, A. (2020). The politics of minimum income protection in the Canadian provinces. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 53(2), 399– 420.


Palme, M., & Persson, M. (2020). Sick Pay Insurance and Sickness Absence: Some European Cross-Country Observations and a Review of Previous Research. Journal of Economic Surveys, 34(1), 85-108.


Seo, C. H. (2020). A Study on Factors Influencing the Status of the Working Poor in Welfare States. Doctoral dissertation, The University of Texas at Arlington. Retrieved from: gscholar&cbl=51922&diss=y.


Swank, D. (2020). The partisan politics of new social risks in advanced postindustrial democracies: Social protection for labor market outsiders. In Careja, R., Emmenegger, P., and Giger, N., editors, The European Social Model under Pressure: Liber Amicorum in Honour of Klaus Armingeon, pages 139–157. Springer VS.


Van Damme, M. (2020). The negative female educational gradient of union dissolution: Towards an explanation in six European countries. In Divorce in Europe (pp. 93-122). Cham: Springer.


Van Gunten, T., & Kohl, S. (2020). The inversion of the ‘really big trade-off’: homeownership and pensions in long-run perspective. West European Politics, 43(2), 435-463.


Wesolowski, K. (2020). It’s all about the money? Family policies, individual gender-role attitudes, and childbearing intentions in an international perspective. Journal of Family Issues, 41(11), 2065–2089.


Wesolowski, K., Billingsley, S., & Neyer, G. (2020). Disentangling the complexity of family policies: SPIN data with an application to Lithuania and Sweden, 1995–2015. Demographic Research, 43, 1235-1262.


Öktem, K. G. (2020). The welfare state as universal social security: A global analysis. Social Inclusion, 8(1), 103-113. 



de Breij, S., Huisman, M., & Deeg, D. J. (2020). Educational differences in macro-level determinants of early exit from paid work: a multilevel analysis of 14 European countries. European Journal of Ageing, 17(2), 217-227.


Bridgen, P. (2019). The retrenchment of public pension provision in the liberal world of welfare during the age of austerity—and its unexpected reversal, 1980–2017. Social Policy & Administration, 53(1), 16–33.


Böger, T., & Öktem, K. G. (2019). Levels or worlds of welfare? Assessing social rights and social stratification in Northern and Southern countries. Social Policy & Administration, 53(1), 63–77.


Ciccia, R., & Guzmán-Concha, C. (2019). Protest and the politics of unemployment insurance: Reforming welfare states in times of austerity. In Fallov, M.A., & Blad, C. (Eds.), Social Welfare Responses in a Neoliberal Era, (pp. 88-118). Koninlijke Brill.


Fredriksson, D. (2019). Enabling employment?: Drivers and outcomes of active labour market policies in comparative perspective. Doctoral dissertation. Stockholm: Department of Sociology, Stockholm University


Gschwind, L., Nyman, P., & Palme, J. (2019). Unemployment benefits, EU migrant workers, and the cost of social protection in European welfare states. REMINDER Working Paper. Retrieved from:


Jutz, R. (2019). The impact of social policies on health inequalities in Europe. (Doctoral dissertation). Universität Mannheim.


Kunißen, K. (2019). From dependent to independent variable: A critical assessment of operationalisations of ‘welfare stateness’ as macro-level indicators in multilevel analyses. Social Indicators Research, 142, 597-616. DOI:


Köppe, S. (2019). Ireland’s paternity benefit: belated social investment. Geary WP2019/05. Retrieved from:


Marchal, S., Siöland, L., & Goedemé, T. (2019). Using HHoT to generate institutional minimum income protection indicators (No. EM4/19). EUROMOD Working Paper. Retrieved from:


Morris, K. A., Beckfield, J., & Bambra, C. (2019). Who benefits from social investment? The gendered effects of family and employment policies on cardiovascular disease in Europe. J Epidemiol Community Health, 73(3), 206-213.


Noël, A. (2019). The politics of minimum income protection in OECD countries. Journal of Social Policy, 48(2), 227–247. Ozkan, U. R. (2019). The origins of severance pay in unemployment compensation: a comparative analysis. Labor History, 60(4), 351–371.


Orsitto, D. (2019). Rising to the populist challenge: Social security prescriptions for the Italian welfare state. Perspectives on Federalism, 11(2), 1-26.


Palme, J., & Ruhs, M. (2019). Indicators of labour markets and welfare states in the European Union. REMINDER Working Paper. Retrieved from: https://www.reminder-project. eu/publications/working-papers/


Sirén, S. (2019). Välfärdspolitik och jämlikhet. Insikter från jämförande socialpolitisk forskning. Landsorganisationen i Sverige. Retrieved from: res.nsf/vRes/lo_fakta_1366027478784_valfardspolitik_jamlikhet_pdf/$File/ Valfardspolitik_jamlikhet.pdf.


Swank, D., & Betz, H. G. (2019). Do Radical Right Populist Parties Matter? The Case of the European Welfare State. Working Paper. Retrieved from: political-science/directory/documents/swank-rrp-paper.pdf.


Wesolowski, K., Billingsley, S., & Neyer, G. (2019). Family policy support for the earner-carer and traditional family models: An application of SPIN data to Lithuania and Sweden, 1995-2015. Working Paper 2019: 3. Retrieved from: preprint/ Family_policy_support_for_the_earner_carer_and_traditional_family_models_An_applicati on_of_SPIN_data_to_Lithuania_and_Sweden_1995-2015/11370726.


Yörük, E., Öker, İ., Yıldırım, K., & Yakut-Çakar, B. (2019). The variable selection problem in the three worlds of welfare literature. Social Indicators Research, 144(2): 625–646.


Öktem, K. G. Exploring Path Departure: The Transformation of Unemployment Insurance in Turkey (1999-2019). Retrieved from: Paper-IV.pdf



Beckfield, J., Morris, K. A., & Bambra, C. (2018). How social policy contributes to the distribution of population health: the case of gender health equity. Scandinavian journal of public health, 46(1), 6-17.


Daly, M., & Ferragina, E. (2018). Family policy in high-income countries: Five decades of development. Journal of European Social Policy, 28(3): 255–270.


Esser, I., & Lindh, A. (2018). Job preferences in comparative perspective 1989–2015: A multidimensional evaluation of individual and contextual influences. International Journal of Sociology, 48(2), 142–169.


Eugster, B. (2018). Immigrants and poverty, and conditionality of immigrants’ social rights. Journal of European Social Policy, 28(5), 452-470.


Högberg, B. (2018). Gender and health among older people: what is the role of social policies?. International Journal of Social Welfare, 27(3), 236-247.


Högberg, B., Strandh, M., Baranowska-Rataj, A., & Sevä, I. J. (2018). Ageing, health inequalities and the welfare state: A multilevel analysis. Journal of European Social Policy, 28(4), 311–325.


Köppe, S. (2018). Sweden: What Crisis? Welfare State Expansion during the Oil Crisis. In Erik Eklund, Melanie Oppenheimer and Joanne Scott (eds). The State of Welfare. Comparative Studies of the Welfare State at the End of the Long Boom, 1965-1980. Brussels: Peter Lang.


Lohmann, H., & Zagel, H. (2018). Comparing family policies: approaches, methods and databases. In Eydal, G. B. & Rostgaard, T., Handbook of family policy, pp. 48–65, Edward Elgar Publishing.


Maldonado, L. C. and Nieuwenhuis, R. (2018). Dual-earner family policies at work for single-parent families. In Nieuwenhuis, R. and Maldonado, L., editors, The Triple Bind of Single-Parent Families: Resources, Employment and Policies to Improve Well-Being, pp. 303–330. Policy Press, Bristol.

Rasmussen, M. B., & Pontusson, J. (2018). Working-class strength by institutional design? Unionization, partisan politics, and unemployment insurance systems, 1870 to 2010. Comparative Political Studies, 51(6), 793–828.

Temesváry, Z. (2018). Minimum income protection schemes in the Central and Eastern European countries. Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 9(2), 113–133


Wang, J., van Vliet, O., & Goudswaard. K. (2018). Minimum income protection and EU coordination. European Journal of Social Security, 20(3), 253-271. DOI:


Obinger, H., Petersen, K., Schmitt, C., and Starke, P. (2018). War and welfare states before and after 1945: Conclusions and perspectives. In Obinger, H., Petersen, K., and Starke, P., editors, Warfare and Welfare: Military Conflict and Welfare State Development in Western Countries, pages 426–462. Oxford University Press, Oxford.


Wesolowski, K. & Ferrarini, T. (2018). "Family policies and fertility: Examining the link between family policy institutions and fertility rates in 33 countries 1995-2011", International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 38(11/12), 1057-1070.



Arlotti, M. & Sabatinelli, S. (2017). Assessing income support where no national minimum income scheme exists. Is it possible to apply the model family method to the Italian case? International Review of Sociology, 27:1, 142-159.


Bandau, F. (2017). The Impact of Partisanship in the Era of Retrenchment. Insights from Quantitative Welfare State Research. University of Bamberg. 


Bárcena-Martín, E., Blázquez, M., Budría, S., & Moro-Egido, A. I. (2017). Child deprivation and social benefits: Europe in cross-national perspective. Socio-Economic Review, 15(4), 717-744. 


Birnbaum, S., Ferrarini, T., Nelson, K. & Palme, J. (2017). The Generational Welfare Contract: Justice, Institutions and Outcomes. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Bäckman, O., & Nelson, K. (2017). The egalitarian paradise?. In Nedergaard, P. & Wivel, A., editors, The Routledge Handbook of Scandinavian Politics, pp. 25–35). Routledge. Birnbaum, S., Ferrarini, T., Nelson, K. & Palme, J. (2017). The Generational Welfare Contract: Justice, Institutions and Outcomes. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 


Bölükbasi, T. & Öktem, K. G. (2017). Conceptualizing and operationalizing social rights: Towards higher convergent validity in SCIP and CWED. Journal of European Social Policy, 1-15.


Chzhen, Y. (2017). Unemployment, social protection spending and child poverty in the European Union during the Great Recession. Journal of European Social Policy, 27(2), 123-137 


Dewilde, C. (2017). Do housing regimes matter? Assessing the concept of housing regimes through configurations of housing outcomes. International Journal of Social Welfare, 2017:26, 384-404. 


Doctrinal, L., Fredriksson, D., Nelson, K. & Sirén, S. (2017). Inventory on core social policy databases and indicators for comparative research. Deliverable 22.1, Leuven, InGRID project.


Esser, I. (2017). Lone parents’ self-rated health in European comparative perspective: Socio-economic factors, job quality and social protection. In Portier-Le Cocq, F. (Ed.), Fertility, Health and Lone Parenting (pp.180-207). Routledge.


Iacono, R. (2017). Minimum income schemes in Europe: is there a trade-off with activation policies? IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 6(1), 1-15.


König, S. (2017). Career histories as determinants of gendered retirement timing in the Danish and Swedish pension systems. European Journal of Ageing, 14, 397-406.


Leibetseder, B., Gubrium, E., Dierckx, D., Fluder, R., Hauri, R., & Raeymaeckers, P. (2017). Subsidiarity and social citizenship: Social assistance schemes in A ustria, B elgium, S witzerland and N orway. International Journal of Social Welfare, 26(4), 353-365. 


Marchal, S. (2017). The social floor: essays on minimum income protection. (Doctoral dissertation). Antwerp University.


Nelson, K. (2017). Lower unemployment benefits and old-age pensions is a major setback in social policy. Sociologisk forskning, 54(4): 287-291. 


Rasmussen, M. & Pontusson, HJ. (2017). Working-class strength by institutional design? Unionization, partisan politics and unemployment insurance systems, 1870-2010. Comparative Political Studies.



Bártová, A. & Emery, T. (2016). Measuring policy entitlements at the micro-level: maternity and parental leave in Europe. Community, Work & Family.


Grotti, R., & Scherer, S. The economic consequences of job-loss. Evidence from Germany and the US. Retrieved from: all20160614165903.pdf. 


Hussain, M.A. (2016). EU Country Rankings’ Sensitivity to the Choice of Welfare Indicators. Social Indicators Research, 125:1, 1-17.


Knotz, C. M. (2016). Getting Tough on Unemployment: Essays on the politics of unemployment benefit reform in affluent democracies. (Doctoral dissertation). Lund.


Kuitto, K. (2016). Measuring Welfare Entitlement Generosity in Transitional Welfare States: The Case of Post-communist Countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Social Indicators Research, 1-22.


König, S., Hess, M., & Hofäcker, D. (2016). Trends and determinants of retirement transition in Europe, the USA and Japan: A comparative overview. In Hofäcker, D. Hess, M., & König, S., eds., Delaying retirement, pp. 23–51.


Lundberg, O., Dahl, E., Fritzell, J., Palme, J., & Sjöberg, O. (2016). Social Protection, Income and Health Inequalities: Final Report from Task Group on GDP, Taxes, Income and Welfare. Review of Social Determinants and the Health Divide in the WHO European Region. Retrieved from:


Pontusson, H. J., & Rasmussen, M. (2016). Working-class strength by institutional design? Unionization, partisan politics and unemployment insurance systems, 1870-2010. Retrieved from: 



Arnold, D. (2015). On the Economics of Sickness Absence and Presenteeism. Doctoral Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades des Fachbereichs IV der Universitat Trier.


Crettaz, E. (2014) Poverty and material deprivation among European workers in times of crisis. International Journal of Social Welfare, 24(4): 312–323. 


Doctrinal, L., Nelson, K. & Sirén, S. (2015). Comprehensive indicators for the analysis of out-of-work benefits: Introducing the Out-of-Work Benefits Dataset. InGRID Deliverable 22.3. Stockholm: Swedish Institute for Social Research.


Korpi, T., Bäckman, O. & Minas, R. (2015). Att möta globaliseringen. Utbildning, aktivering och social exkludering i Norden. TemaNord, Nordiska ministerrådet 2015:534.


Quesnel-Vallée, A., Willson, A. & Reiter-Campeau, S. (2015). Health Inequalities Among Older Adults In Developed Countries: Reconciling Theories and Policy Approaches.  Population Change and Lifecourse Strategic Knowledge Cluster Discussion Paper Series/ Un Réseau stratégique de connaissances Changements de population et parcours de vie Document de travail: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 6.


Wesolowski, K. (2015). Maybe Baby?: Reproductive Behaviour, Fertility Intentions, and Family Policies in Post-communist Countries, with a Special Focus on Ukraine. (Doctoral dissertation). Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.


Wesolowski, K., & Ferrarini, T. (2015). Family policies in Ukraine and Russia in comparative perspective. In Wesolowski, K., Maybe Baby?: Reproductive Behaviour, Fertility Intentions, and Family Policies in Post-communist Countries, with a Special Focus on Ukraine (Paper no. 1). (Doctoral dissertation). Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.


Wesolowski, K., & Ferrarini, T. (2015). Family policies and fertility - Examining the link between family policy institutions and fertility rates in 33 countries 1995-2010. In Wesolowski, K., Maybe Baby?: Reproductive Behaviour, Fertility Intentions, and Family Policies in Post-communist Countries, with a Special Focus on Ukraine (Paper no. 2). (Doctoral dissertation). Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.



Beer, C., Köhler-Töglhofer, W., Stiglbauer, A. (2014). A common European unemployment insurance – A much debated route toward European fiscal union. Monetary Policy and the Economy, 4, 35-52.

Berglund, T., & Esser, I. (2014). Modell i förändring. Landrapport om Sverige. (Fafo-rapport 2014:10. NordMod2030, Delrapport 8). Oslo: FAFO.


Brambor, T. & Lindvall, J. (2014). Fiscal capacity, domestic compensation, and trade policy: a long-term view.  Näringslivets forskningsinstitut


Billingsley, S., & Ferrarini, T. (2014). Family policy and fertility intentions in 21 European countries. Journal of Marriage and Family, 76(2), 428-445.


Chzhen, Y. (2014). Child poverty and material deprivation in the European Union during the Great Recession. Innocenti Working Paper No.2014-06, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence.


Chzhen, Y. (2014). Subjective Impact of the Economic Crisis on Households with Children in 17 European Countries. Innocenti Working Paper No.2014-09, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence.


Danforth, B. (2014). Worlds of welfare in time: A historical reassessment of the three-world typology. Journal of European Social Policy, 24(2), 164-182.


Ferrarini, T., Nelson, K., & Sjoberg, O. (2014). Decomposing the effect of social policies on population health and inequalities: An empirical example of unemployment benefits. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 42(7), 635–642.


Ferrarini, T., Nelson, K., & Sjöberg, O. (2014). Unemployment insurance and deteriorating self-rated health in 23 European countries. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 657–662.


Fritzell, J., Bacchus Hertzman, J., Bäckman, O., Borg, I., Ferrarini, T. & Nelson, K (2014). Sweden: Increasing Income Inequalities and Changing Social Relations. In Nolan, B., Salverda, W., Checchi, D., Marx, I., McKnight, A., Tóth, I. G., & van de Werfhorst, H. G. (Eds.), Changing Inequalities and Societal Impacts in Rich Countries: Thirty Countries' Experiences (pp. 641-666). Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Grünewald, A. (2014). Social Security around the World: A Review of Datasets. ZeS-Working Paper No. 03/2014


Hagelund, A (2014). From economic incentives to dialogic nudging – the politics of change and inertia in Norwegian sickness insurance. Journal of Social Policy, 43, 69-85.


Knotz, C., & Lindvall, J. (2014). Coalitions and Compensation The Case of Unemployment Benefit Duration. Comparative Political Studies.


Nelson, K., & Fritzell, J. (2014). Welfare states and population health: The role of minimum income benefits for mortality. Social Science & Medicine, 112, 63-71.


Obadic, A., Dragicevic, M. (2014). A new labor market approach: Keeping jobs and enhancing labour market flexibility. In Bendekovic, J., Klacmer Calopa, M. & Filipovic, D. (Eds.), Economic and Social Development, 6th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development and 3rd Eastern European ESD Conference: Business Continuity, Book of Proceedings (pp. 23-35). Varazdin: Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency.


Obinger, H., Starke, P. (2014). Welfare state transformation: Convergence and the rise of the supply side model (TranState Working Papers, No. 180). Bremen: University of Bremen.


Wang, J. & Vliet, van, O. (2014) Social assistance and minimum income benefits: Benefit levels, replacement rates and policies across 33 countries, 1990 – 2009. Department of Economics Research Memorandum 2014.04. Leiden: Leiden University. 



Arnold, D. (2013). Benefit morale and cross‐country diversity in sick pay entitlements. Kyklos, 66(1), 27-45.


Danforth, B., & Stephens, J. D. (2013). Measuring social citizenship: achievements and future challenges. Journal of European Public Policy, 20(9), 1285-1298.


Esser, I., Ferrarini, T., Nelson, K., Palme, J., & Sjöberg, O. (2013). Unemployment Benefits in EU Member States. Brussels: Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission.


Ferrarini, T., Nelson, K., Korpi, W., & Palme, J. (2013). Social citizenship rights and social insurance replacement rate validity: pitfalls and possibilities. Journal of European Public Policy, 20(9), 1251-1266.


Hay, C (2013). The British Growth Crisis: a Crisis of and for Growth (SPERI paper No. 1). Sheffield: University of Sheffield.


Korpi, W., Ferrarini, T., & Englund, S. (2013). Women's opportunities under different family policy constellations: gender, class, and inequality tradeoffs in Western countries re-examined. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 20(1), 1-40.


Montanari, I., & Nelson, K. (2013). Social service decline and convergence: How does healthcare fare?. Journal of European Social Policy, 23(1), 102-116.


Nelson, K. (2013). Social assistance and EU poverty thresholds 1990–2008. Are European welfare systems providing just and fair protection against low income? European sociological review, 29(2), 386-401.


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