The blue buildings of the "Södra huset" at Stockholm university
Foto: Eva Dalin

Eligible nominees for the Wallander scholarship are those who received their PhD degree from a Swedish University during the 2021/22 academic year. If needed, SOFI will finance the period between graduation and January 2023. If the bank were to deny our application, we still guarantee a two-year post-doc position at SOFI.

Applicants should send the following materials to Matthew Lindquist ( no later than the 7th of February 2022:

  • CV
  • One writing example (published article or thesis chapter)
  • A one-page description of the research that you would carry out during your time at SOFI.

You are welcome to contact us to hear more about the research environment at SOFI. Questions about the scholarship should be directed to Handelsbankens forskningsstiftelser Please see the following information page and answers to frequently asked questions: Handelsbanken webpage / Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius stiftelse