- PhD dissertation: Anni Erlandsson defends her thesis 2022-03-18 Anni Erlandsson, doctoral student in sociology at SOFI and the Department of Sociology, defends her PhD thesis "Gender, parenthood, ethnicity and discrimination in the labor market. Experimental studies on recruitment discrimination in Sweden".
- AME Labour Economics Seminar series: Winter/spring of 2022 2022-01-18 At the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) we have two seminar series open for the public. Below you find the schedule for winter and spring of 2022 for our AME Labour Economics seminar series.
- SWS seminar series: Winter and spring 2022 line-up 2022-01-12 At the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) we have two seminar series open for the public. Below you find the schedule for winter and spring of 2022 for the Social Stratification, Welfare and Social Policy Seminar.
- Would you like to be a Wallander scholarship holder at SOFI? 2021-12-16 Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) is now accepting nominations for Handelsbanken’s Wallander scholarship. The scholarship provides full financing for three years. The starting date is January 2023.
- The Assar Lindbeck Medal is awarded to Professor Erik Lindqvist 2021-12-15 The Assar Lindbeck Medal 2021 is awarded to Erik Lindqvist, Professor of Economics at SOFI, together with Robert Östling at the Stockholm School of Economics.
- Workshop: Frontiers in research on parental leave 2021-12-07 Welcome to a workshop at SOFI about the latest research on parental leave from the Nordic countries.
- New research funding for SOFI 2021-10-20 In September 2021, Forte – Swedish Research Council for Health, Working life and Welfare – granted record sums in research funding. Several of the grants have been awarded research at SOFI – projects focusing on, among other things, the employment tax deduction, the regulation of working hours, how individuals' work environment and health are affected by organizational conditions. The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) has also granted new funding to maintain data collection for the large research databases organised by SOFI.
- We welcome five new employees at SOFI 2021-10-01 During the early fall, five new employees have joined SOFI. Marie-Pascale Grimon and Louis-Pierre Lepage have been employed as assistant professors, Lucas Tilley as a postdoctoral researcher, Meng Meng is our new PhD student in Economics, and Gustav Svärdhagen has joined SOFI as research assistant.
- Sten-Åke Stenberg has been re-employed as professor emeritus 2021-09-07 Sten-Åke Stenberg, a long-term employee at SOFI and professor since 1999, has been re-employed as professor emeritus.
- SWS seminar schedule for the fall of 2021 2021-08-31 The Social Stratification, Welfare, and Social Policy (SWS) seminar series at SOFI is back with a list of interesting researchers who will present their work. The seminars are held online, via Zoom, until further notice. You find the full schedule for the fall of 2021 below.
- Charlotta Magnusson appointed Deputy Director of SOFI 2021-08-27 Charlotta Magnusson, Associate Professor of Sociology, has been appointed Deputy Director of SOFI. She succeeds Emma von Essen, who left SOFI on 1 August to start a new position at Uppsala University.
- AME Labour Economics Seminar starts off this week 2021-08-26 The AME Labour Economics Seminar is back with a list of interesting researchers who will present their work. We will try a new format for the upcoming semester, with an in-person presentation as well as the possibility to follow and participate online via Zoom.
- Michael Grätz appointed docent in sociology 2021-06-10 Michael Grätz has been appointed docent (associate professor) in Sociology by the Stockholm university docent board.
- Job opening: Researcher in the GENPARENT Project 2021-05-06 One position as researcher in the GENPARENT project at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) at Stockholm University. The position will be filled for a fixed term of up to one year, with the possibility of extension under special circumstances. Starting date October 1, 2021 or as per agreement.
- Call for papers: Workshop on life-changing transitions i the LGBTQ+ community 2021-04-23 The Gender Economics Research Group at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) is hosting a multidisciplinary workshop on quantitative and qualitative research on life-changing transitions in the LGBTQ+ community.
- Sabina Hellborg is employed as senior lecturer in civil law 2021-04-20 Sabina Hellborg, researcher and guest teacher at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), recently started a new employment as senior lecturer in civil law with a focus on Swedish labour law, at our education unit AKPA.
- Simon Hjalmarsson to defend his thesis 2021-03-10 Doctoral student in sociology Simon Hjalmarsson will defend his doctoral thesis on March 18, at the Department of Sociology at Stockholm University. The dissertation takes place via Zoom.
- Xiaojie Xu is our new Ph.D student in sociology 2021-02-15 Xiaojie Xu has joined SOFI as our new Ph.D student in sociology. She will be working in the Level of Living unit (LNU) and take part in the MINQ project.
- AME Labour Economics Seminar schedule for the spring 2021-02-12 Our seminar series on Labour Economics is back, as digital webinar via Zoom. Below you find the first seminars for the spring. Check the SOFI website for updates.
- SWS seminar schedule for spring 2021 2021-02-12 2021 is here and with it comes a new and exciting schedule for the seminars on social stratification, welfare and social policy here at SOFI.
- Two "Assistant Professors" in labour economics now appointed 2021-02-08 The two new positions as "Assistant Professor" in labor economics at Swedish Institute for social research (SOFI) have now been appointed.
- Anne Boschini appointed Professor of Economics 2021-02-05 On 28 January 2021, researcher Anne Boschini was appointed Professor of Economics, with a focus on labour economics, at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) at Stockholm University.
- New board for SOFI 2021-01-12 The board of the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) for the year 2021 has been appointed.
- Meet the new researchers at SOFI 2020-11-26 During the fall of 2020 the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) has recruited three new postdoc researchers. We also have a new PhD student in sociology.
- New funding for research projects at SOFI 2020-11-24 Two research projects with researchers working at SOFI are granted new funding from the Swedish Research Council.
- Job opening: Two Assistant Professors in Labour Economics 2020-11-06 Two positions at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) as assistant professors in labour economics are now open for application.
- In memoriam Ante Farm 2020-10-28 Ante Farm, associate professor in economics and employed at SOFI since 1974, has passed away after being ill for a few weeks.
- Job opening: Researcher in the GENPARENT project at SOFI 2020-10-26 The Social Policy research group at SOFI is hiring a researcher for a fixed term of up to one year, with the possibility of extension.
- New funding from Forte for five research projects at SOFI 2020-10-05 Several research projects at SOFI get new funding from the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare – Forte.
- Associate professor Anders Böhlmark recruited by the Public Employment Service 2020-10-01 Anders Böhlmark, Associate professor at SOFI, has a new job at the Swedish Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen).
- The SOFI seminar series up and running again 2020-09-01 The two seminar series arranged by SOFI are up and running again – now as digital web seminars via Zoom.
- New Working Papers from SOFI 2020-08-20 The Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) is publishing Working Papers, research reports that are not yet peer-reviewed nor published in scientific journals.
- SOFI:s Annual Report for 2019 2020-06-23 The Annual Report from the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) for 2019 is now published on the website.
- Online conference: Diversity and workplace inclusion 2020-06-08 Don't miss SOFI's upcoming conference on diversity and inclusion in the labor market: 1st Stockholm Workshop on Diversity and Workplace Inclusion
- Johan Westerman to defend his PhD thesis 2020-06-04 Our PhD student in sociology Johan Westerman defends his thesis "Motives matter: intrinsic motivation in work learning and labor market performance".
- Job oppurtunity: Two research assistants 2020-04-30 Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) is hiring two research assistants for temporary employment, at the unit for labourmarket economics.
- New Deputy Director at SOFI 2020-04-29 Emma von Essen will be the new Deputy Director of the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI). Markus Jäntti will continue as Director for a second three-year term.
- Jan Helmdag new postdoc researcher at SOFI 2020-04-24 Jan Helmdag has started working as postdoc researcher at the Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University. He will be working with the Social Policy Indicators Database.
- Seminars cancelled. We are postponing our public research seminars 2020-03-17 The two public seminar series at SOFI will be cancelled during March and April due to the current situation with the corona virus.
- Carina Mood elected member of the The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2020-02-21 Professor Carina Mood, professor of sociology at the Swedish Institute for Social Research, has been elected member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (Kungliga vetenskapsakademien).
- SOFI welcomes two new PhD students 2020-02-03 Two new doctoral students have started their positions at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI).
- Two PhD Student Positions at SOFI 2020-02-03 The Department of Sociology Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) invites applications for two doctoral positions in sociology with placement at SOFI.
- Jenny Jans awarded the Wallander scholarship – new postdoc at SOFI 2020-01-24 Jenny Jans has been awarded the Wallander scholarship for her dissertation in economics, and has started a position as postdoc researcher at the Swedish Institute for Social Research at Stockholm University.
- Two researcher positions at SOFI 2020-01-23 We are looking for quantitative researchers to two externally funded projects at Swedish Institute for social research, SOFI, at Stockholm University
- Aino-Maija Aalto new postdoc researcher at SOFI 2020-01-22 Aino-Maija Aalto, PhD in Economics, has started working as postdoc researcher at the Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University.
- Emma von Essen appointed Associate Professor 2020-01-20 Emma von Essen, researcher at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) since 2017, was appointed Associate Professor in Economics on January 13, 2020.
- Call for papers: 1st Stockholm Workshop on Diversity and Workplace Inclusion 2020-01-16 We invite paper submissions within applied microeconomics focusing on issues related to labor market discrimination for the 1st Stockholm Workshop on Diversity and Workplace Inclusion, hosted by the Gender Economics Research Group at the Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University.
- New reserach funding from IFAU 2019-12-20 Two projects connected to SOFI have been rewarded research funding from IFAU - The Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education.
- Public preferences for reducing labour market inequality 2019-11-26 The Russell Sage Foundation has granted funding for a project by Arvid Lindh and colleagues on public preferences for reducing labour market inequality.
- SOFI-researchers participate in Pre-Pride panel at Stockholm University 2019-11-26 Ian Burn and Ylva Moberg, researchers at SOFI, will participate in the panel “LGBTQ perspectives on the family and discrimination”.
- Labor market inclusion in theory and practice 2019-11-26 Forte has granted SEK 8.3 million to the research program Labor market inclusion in theory and practice. The research team consists of several SOFI-researchers.
- ALL-INCLUSIVE? Cohesion and exclusion in work-life change 2019-11-26 Forte has provided SEK 7.8 million to the research program All-Inclusive? Cohesion and exclusion in work-life change, with a team of researchers from SOFI.
- Two new postdocs to SOFI September 1 2019-09-03 Pierre Deschamps and José Montalban are employed at Avdelningen för Arbetsmarknadsekonomi (AME).
- Erik Lindqvist editor at Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2019-05-20 Erik Lindqvist is as of April 2019 one of the editors at the Scandinavian Journal of Economics.
- Yerko Rojas, senior researcher in sociology, has been appointed lecturer in social works 2019-05-16 Yerko Rojas, senior researcher in sociology, has been appointed lecturer in social works at Södertörns Högskola.
- Postdoctoral fellow to Social Policy 2019-04-10 The Social Policy research group is hiring a postdoctoral fellow linked to the project GENPARENT
- New appointments 2019-02-25 Pierre Deschamps (SciencesPo) and José Montalbán (Paris School of Economics) have been appointed the two advertised positions as post doc/assistant professor in labor economics at SOFI. They will start the 1st of September.
- Linus Andersson defends his thesis 2019-02-22 On March 8, 2019, at 10.00 in Nordenskiöldsalen, Geovetenskapens hus, Svante Arrhenius väg 12, Linus Andersson will defend his thesis “Essays on Family Dynamics: Partnering, Fertility and Divorce in Sweden”. Faculty opponent is Professor Trude Lappegård, Oslo University.
- Research visit by Professor Tor Eriksson (Aarhus University) 1-4 April 2019 2019-02-22 Between April 1st and 4th 2019, Tor Eriksson, Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics and Business Economics at Aarhus University, will visit SOFI. Tor Eriksson has interests in many research fields; he has, for example, a long career in Labor Economics, in particular, Personnel Economics.
- Daniel Fredriksson defends his thesis 2019-01-23 On Friday January 25, 2019, at 10.00 am in William-Olssonsalen, Geovetenskapens hus, Svante Arrhenius väg 14, Frescati, Daniel Fredriksson will defend his thesis “Enabling employment? Drivers and outcomes of active labour market policies in comparative perspective". Faculty opponent is Professor Ive Marx, Antwerp University.
- Stephanie Plenty awarded Emerging Scholar Best Article Award, 2018 2018-12-19 Stephanie Plenty was awarded Emerging Scholar Best Article Award, 2018 by Journal of Youth and Adolescence for the article Social Exclusion among Peers: The Role of Immigrant Status and Classroom Immigrant Density, written together with Jan O. Jonsson.
- The Swedish Research Council decide to grant SOFI-project fundings 2018-11-05 Karin Edmark and Dan-Olof Rooth receives funding from The Swedish Research Council (VR).
- Project grants from Riksbankens jubileumsfond to SOFI-project 2018-11-05 Kenneth Nelson receives funding from Riksbankens jubileumsfond
- Two Post-Doctoral Researcher/Assistant Professor to SOFI 2018-10-19 The Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) at Stockholm University seeks to fill 2 Post-Doctoral Researcher/Assistant Professor positions in labor economics. Appointments will be effective August 2019.
- Two senior lecturership/associate professor positions at SOFI 2018-10-15 SOFI has two positions in sociology open (closing date 25 October 2018)
- Anders Björklund member of the Equality Commission 2018-09-25 Anders Björklund, Professor Emeritus at SOFI, is one of the members of the Equality Commission appointed by the Swedish Government, which will work until May 2020.
- Staff Changes 2018-09-06 Current staff changes
- Johanna Rickne and Olle Folke Awarded by IIPF 2018-08-24 Johanna Rickne has been awarded, together with Olle Folke (Uppsala University), the 2018 IIPF Peggy and Richard Musgrave Prize by the International Institute of Public Finance for their paper "All the Single Ladies: Job Promotions and the Durability of Marriage". The prize is awarded annually to the author(s) of the best paper at the IIPF conference.
- Erik Lindqvist and Johanna Rickne new professors in economics at SOFI 2018-06-27 Erik Lindqvist and Johanna Rickne have been appointed professors in economics, especially labour economics at SOFI. Johanna Rickne’s appointment commenced on June 25 and Erik Lindqvist’s will start on September 1.
- The authors of SOFI Doctoral Theses 1 and 100 2018-06-04 Roujman Shahbazian defended his sociology PhD thesis "Sibling Configuration and Adulthood Outcomes: The Case of Two-Child Families" which is the 100th thesis in SOFI's Doctoral Thesis series.
- Roujman Shahbazian defends his thesis 2018-04-25 On Friday June 1, 2018, at 10.00 am in Hörsal 11, Hus F, Södra huset, Roujman Shahbazian will defend his thesis ‘Sibling Configuration and Adulthood Outcomes: The Case of Two-Child Families’. Faculty opponent is Anette Eva Fasang, Humboldt-University, Berlin.
- Ingrid Esser appointed Associate Professor (Docent) 2018-04-25 On January March 26 the Faculty of Social Sciences appointed Ingrid Esser to Docent (Associate Professor) of Sociology
- Rense Nieuwenhuis 2018-03-05 On February 19, 2018 Rense Nieuwehuis was awarded the title “Docent” (Associate Professor) in Sociology.
- Jan Sauermann awarded “Docent” title 2018-02-14 On February 12, 2018 Jan Sauermann was awarded the title “Docent” (Associate Professor) in Economics.
- Johanna Rickne selected as Wallenberg Academy Fellow 2017-12-14 Project: "Gender, Careers and Democratic Representation"
- Karin Hederos and Anna Sandberg received grant from Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2017-12-06 Project: “Subjective performance evaluations, career trajectories and gender bias: Evidence from Swedish law clerks”
- Marie Evertsson received ERC Consolidator Grant 2017-11-28 Project: "GENPARENT: Revealing Sources of Gendered Parenthood: A multi-method comparative study of the transition to parenthood in same-sex and opposite-sex couples"
- Research grants from IFAU and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond to SOFI-researchers 2017-11-24
- Sara Kjellsson defends her thesis 2017-11-20 On Friday January 19 at 10.00 am in Nordenskiöldsalen, Sara Kjellsson defends her thesis in Sociology titled ‘Sick of Work? Questions of Class, Gender and Self-Rated Health’.
- Julia Boguslaw defends her thesis 2017-11-20 On Friday December 15 at 10.00 am in G-salen, Arrheniuslaboratorierna, Julia Boguslaw defends her thesis in Economics titled ‘When the Kids Are Not Alright. Essays on Childhood Disadvantage and Its Consequences’.
- 13.5 Million SEK to SOFI! 2017-11-07
- 23.5 MSEK to SOFI! 2017-09-28
- Jenny Torssander has been appointed associate professor (docent) 2017-09-12
- Ian Burn to SOFI 1 september 2017-08-23 Ian Burn will be employed as post doc at Avdelningen för Arbetsmarknadsekonomi (AME), SOFI.
- Martin Berlin defends his thesis 2017-06-27 Martin Berlin defends his thesis "Essays on the Determinants and Measurement of Subjective Well-beeing" on the 18th of August, at 10.00.
- Niklas Kaunitz defended his thesis 2017-06-27 Niklas Kaunitz defended his thesis on the 8th of June.
- Anna Sandberg to SOFI September 1 2017-06-21 Anna Sandberg starts working as researcher at the Department of Labour Economics (AME), SOFI.
- Emma von Essen to SOFI September 1 2017-06-21 Emma von Essen starts working as researcher at the Department of Labour Economics (AME), SOFI.
- Professorship in Economics 2017-06-14
- Horizon 2020 funding to SOFI 2017-05-09 The project InGRID-2 has by the European Commission been assigned a grant of 9.5 M€.
- Price to Robert Erikson 2017-01-19
- Price to Markus Jäntti 2017-01-19
- Karin Halldén has been appointed associate professor (docent) 2017-01-18
- Per Engzell defends his thesis 2017-01-09
- Karin Boye has been appointed associate professor (docent) 2016-12-15
- André Richter defends his thesis 2016-11-21
- Approved program grants from FORTE, 17/11 2016 2016-11-18
- Approved research grants from VR 3/11, 2016 2016-11-11
- Approved research grants from RJ, 20/10 2016 2016-10-24
- Approved research grants from FORTE, 6/10 2016 2016-10-06
- Charlotta Magnusson has been appointed associate professor (docent) 2016-09-21
- Jenny Säve-Söderbergh has been appointed associate professor (docent) 2016-06-17
- Professorship in Sociology 2016-05-28
- Torsten Santavirta has been appointed associate professor (docent) 2015-11-30
- Kenneth Nelson's ESR article re-published in special issue series 2015-10-22
- Approved research grants from FORTE, 25/9 2015 2015-09-28
- New vacancies at SOFI 2015-09-09
- Three new postdocs in Sociology 2015-08-20
- Carina Mood new professor in Sociology at SOFI 2015-08-10
- Simona Bejenariu and Eirini Tatsi new Economics postdocs at SOFI 2015-06-12
- Karin Edmark new senior lecturer at AKPA 2015-06-12
- Anne Boschini new senior lecturer at AKPA 2015-06-12
- Dan-Olof Rooth new professor of Economics at SOFI 2015-06-12
- Lena Lindahl has been appointed associate professor (docent) 2015-06-12
- Kenneth Nelson promoted to professor 2015-06-12
- New vacancy at SOFI 2014-11-25
- Professorship in Economics 2014-06-16
- Professorship in Sociology 2014-06-16
- Seminar on Stigma of Mental Illness at CHESS 2014-04-25
- Stefan Svallfors new President of the Swedish Sociological Association 2014-04-04 At the biannual meeting of the Swedish Sociological Association in Göteborg in March, Stefan Svallfors was elected President for the years 2014–2016.
- Cecilia von Otter defends her thesis 2014-04-03
- Christer Gerdes has been appointed docent (associate professor) 2014-03-10 Christer Gerdes has been appointed docent (associate professor) in Economics.
- Rense Nieuwenhuis defended his thesis 2014-01-16
- Hans Grönqvist has been appointed docent (associate professor) 2013-12-09 On December 9th, Hans Grönqvist was appointed docent (associate professor) in Economics.
- Approved research grants from VR, 31/10 2013 2013-10-31
- New vacancies at Sofi 2013-09-13
- Markus Jäntti associate editor of the Journal of Economic Inequality 2013-09-05
- Professorship in Economics 2013-06-20
- Håkan Regnér has been appointed docent (associate professor) 2013-05-28
- Visit from the statistic agency in Burkina Faso 2013-05-21
- Seminar on research and integrity 2013-03-21
- Matthew Lindquist promoted to professor 2013-03-01
- Approved research grants from FAS, 14/2 2013 2013-02-21
- Bart Golsteyn to Maastricht 2013-02-12
- Martin Nybom defends his thesis on the 11th of January 2012-12-12
- Approved research grants from VR 2012-11-28
- NRW Young Scientist Award 2012 to Jan Sauermann 2012-11-13
- Approved research grants from VR, 23-24/10 2012 2012-11-04
- Approved research grants from RJ, 25/10 2012 2012-10-26
- Stefan Svallfors visiting professor 2013-2014 2012-10-26
- Jan O. Jonsson new official fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford 2012-10-25
- Helena Holmlund has been appointed docent (associate professor) 2012-10-18 On October 11th, Helena Holmlund was appointed docent (associate professor) in Economics.
- New vacancy at Sofi 2012-10-01
- Jan Sauermann new research fellow from October 1st 2012-08-30