Collaboration in service to society
SOFI’s researchers contribute to society in many different ways. They often work with official governmental reports like the Socialförsäkringsutredningen (Social Insurance Reports) and act as experts for others.
Researchers regularly publish their research as books and as articles in journals like Ekonomisk Debatt. Searchable list of publications
The institute’s researchers also act as leaders and experts on boards, committees, working groups, etc. Some examples of participation in advisory committees include FAS (Forskningsrådet för arbetsliv och socialvetenskap), RJ (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond) and VR (Swedish Research Council/Vetenskapsrådet) and on the boards for ALI, CAN, CHESS (Centre for Health Equity Studies), DISC, FAS, IFAU, SORAD (Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD) and SNS (Centre for Business and Policy Studies/Studieförbundet Näringsliv och Samhälle), the Ethics Board in Stockholm (EPN) and as chairpeople for different advisory councils at SCB (Statistics Sweden/Statistiska centralbyrån).
Networks, consortiums and associations
SOFI is a member of several organizations such as The Network for European Policy Analysis (ESPAnet), the European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR) and RC19 and RC28 in the International Sociological Association (ISA).
Individual collaborations
Details about researchers’ individual collaborations can be found on their personal home pages.
SOFI also regularly invites researchers from across Sweden and the world to collaborate as guest researchers. List of past and current visiting scholars