Postkoloniala perspektiv på audiovisuella media
This course on basic level in Cinema Studies is ideal for exchange students and free movers – and also master’s students – interested in the topic of postcolonialism and moving images. Taught all in English and in Filmhuset.
The course introduces postcoloniality both as a theoretical framework and an audiovisual field which address issues of cultural, ethnic and racialized differences. Through various examples and case studies that cover topics and areas such as Third Cinema, Fourth Cinema and World Cinema, the course gives students tools to think critically about representation, "race," and manifestations of colonial stereotypes in today's media culture, and about the ways in which national and ethnic hierarchies are produced and potentially disrupted.
After the course, students are expected to be able to:
- Display comprehensive knowledge of the specific concepts and issues that occur within the field of postcolonial studies
- Use analytical tools to discuss contemporary challenges in postcolonial media studies.
- Show an ability to contextualize a breadth of postcolonial history and research and apply it to moving image media.
För dig som är antagen VT2025
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Välkommen till oss! Så här går din registrering till våra utbildningar till:
Tidsplan för terminsstarten VT2025
7 januari: Välkomstmail börjar skickas ut från oss till antagna - till epostadressen i
7-15 januari: Webbregistrering för alla utbildningar (om inte annat angetts i välkomstmailet)
8 januari deadline för inlämning av blankett för kurser i Kvalificerad yrkespraktik
20 januari vårterminen börjar
För kurser som börjar Period 1 (när vårterminen börjar) är webbregistreringen öppen:
• 7/1 – 15/1
För kurser som börjar Period 2 (andra halvan av vårterminen) är webbregistreringen öppen:
• 7/1 – 13/3
Från vecka 3, 2024: reserver kan antas.
Vid terminsstart ordnar vi ett antal aktiviteter – både online och på campus – för att välkomna och introducera dig som är ny student. En av dessa är Välkomstdagen på Campus Frescati som är ett utmärkt tillfälle att bekanta sig med universitetet och andra nya studenter. Programmet riktar sig till alla nya studenter, oavsett ämne, kurs eller program. För dig som är ny student vid Institutionen för data- och systemvetenskap, DSV, arrangeras en motsvarande välkomstdag på Campus Kista.
Information som rör din utbildning får du via din kurs-/programgivande institution.
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The course introduces postcoloniality both as a theoretical framework and an audiovisual field which address issues of cultural, ethnic and racialized differences. Through various examples and case studies that cover topics and areas such as Third Cinema, Fourth Cinema and World Cinema, the course gives students tools to think critically about representation, "race," and manifestations of colonial stereotypes in today's media culture, and about the ways in which national and ethnic hierarchies are produced and potentially disrupted.
After the course, students are expected to be able to:
- Display comprehensive knowledge of the specific concepts and issues that occur within the field of postcolonial studies
- Use analytical tools to discuss contemporary challenges in postcolonial media studies.
- Show an ability to contextualize a breadth of postcolonial history and research and apply it to moving image media.
Exchange student
This course is common to take by exchange students. Below you find brief information of importance.
To participate as an exchange student that has an agreement between your home university and our department as part of Erasmus+ for example you stay in contact with our International Coordinator at The Department of Media Studies.
Want to take this course - but do not have an agreement with us
If you are not a part of a department agreement between your home university and our department but you study as an exchange student at another department at Stockholm University - then your coordinator at your host department at Stockholm University must contact our International Coordinator.
Contact information
The teaching consists of viewings of film and other audiovisual media, lectures, and discussions.
The exam features small writing assignments, a home exam, and an oral presentation.
Schema finns tillgängligt senast en månad före kursstart. Vi rekommenderar inte utskrift av scheman då vissa ändringar kan ske. Vid kursstart meddelar utbildningsansvarig institution var du hittar ditt schema under utbildningen. -
Observera att kurslitteraturen kan ändras fram till två månader före kursstart.Course texts is published two months before course start.
Only use list of course texts from the semester you study.
Mer information
Exchange student
This course is common to take by exchange students.
To praticipate as an exchange student that has an agreement between your home university and our department as part of Erasmus+ for example you stay in contact with our International Coordinator at The Deprtment of Media Studies.
Want to take this course - but do not have an agreement with us
If you are not a part of a department agreement between your home university and our department, for instance if you study on as an exchange student at another department at Stockholm University but would like to take this course, then your coordinator at your host department at Stockholm University must contact our International Coordinator.
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Student Counsellor
General information