An example of what a course email from Nimblr looks like

As an important part of the University's protection against cybersecurity incidents, our staff and consultants need regular training on the threats we all need to protect against; our staff are an important part of the University's overall cybersecurity protection. It’s vital to increase the security awareness of all employees at SU to reduce the risk of digital intrusion, malware and fraud.

To address this, the President has decided (dnr SU FV-2336-23) that all employees at the university should complete a training programme in secure information management. The training comes from the company Nimblr, and takes the form of short courses that are sent out by email to all employees about once a month. The sender of the course invitations is <> and the title is "Stockholm University Security Awareness Training". The courses have different themes such as phishing, secure passwords, fake senders, etc. and each course only takes a few minutes to complete. 

The training is monitored and customised to the employee, so the link you receive should not be shared with others. 

Normally, IT Services encourages employees to NOT click on links in emails from unknown senders and we are aware of the irony of encouraging people to click on links in these emails, but this training course will teach you how to distinguish between bad links and links that are ok to click on.

If you have questions about the security training, please send them to