
Use this instruction if you don’t have a Arbetsplatstjänsten (”SUA”) computer.
If you are connected to Arbetsplatstjänsten your department’s DSA will install MATLAB on your computer.
Initially you are assigned a license that requires a connection to the license server in SU’s network. If you are going to use MATLAB outside SU’s network you can ”borrow” a license, please see Borrow MATLAB license (”borrowing”), below.


1. Prepare

You have received the following from your departments DSA:
  a. Installationfile (ISO-file)
  b. License file ("network.lic")
  c. License key ("file installation key")
Save the first two (a. and b.) in a folder and make a note of the folders name – you will have to state this folder later on.
Extract the files from the ISO-file by right-clicking on the file, select ”7-zip” and then ”Extract here”.

2. Install

Double click on ”setup-exe” in the folder above.
Select Installation Method: Choose "Use a File installation Key" and press "Next"
License Agreement: Read the license terms and press "Next".
File Installation Key: Choose "I have the File Installation Key for my license", and set the license key you have received from your departments DSA and press "Next".
Folder Selection: Select the folder where the installation will take place and press "Next"
Product Selection: Select which products - MATLAB-, Simulink-version and toolboxes – to be installed.
Note: Make sure that ”License Manager" is not selected.
License File Location: Set the folder where you saved the license file (see above).
Installation Options: Select where you want to add shortcuts.
Confirmation: Press "Install".

Thereafter MATLAB is installed – it will take a while – press "Finish".

Borrow a MATLAB license (”borrowing”)

Instructions on how to borrow a MATLAB license.


1. MATLAB is installed locally on each user’s computer.
2. When starting MATLAB a license file is read on the license server available on SU networks. Without access to the SU network, MATLAB will not work.
3. If you are going to use MATLAB outside SU’s network, you can borrow a MATLAB license.
You can borrow a MATLAB license during a given time period – today the time period is 30 days.

There are ongoing discussions between SU and Mathworks to extend the time period to the annual contract period, i.e. a maximum of 12 months.
When you borrow a MATLAB license you need access to SU’s network.
Normally, several persons at a department can share a license. When a user borrows a license, he or she consumes a whole license, i.e. the license cannot be shared with several users.

You can return a borrowed license early (see instruction below).

2. Borrow license
Note: During this procedure, you will need access to SU’s network.
Enter the following command in the MATLAB command window: com.mathworks.mde.licensing.borrowing.BorrowUI.getInstance().enableFeature(true)
Restart MATLAB

Choose "Help > Licensing > Borrow Products"
Choose "Borrow selected products by choosing from a list". A list containing the products that can be borrowed will appear.
Choose the products you want to borrow.
Enter the number of days for which the borrowing will apply (1-30 days)
Click the "Borrow" button . A message appears confirming that the selected products have been borrowed.
Click the "Close" button 
Disconnect from SU’s network and use the products until the borrowing period expires.

You can also return the license early, see below.

3. Early return of license
Note: You cannot borrow or return products in the same MATLAB session.
Connect to SU’s network
Choose "Help > Licensing > Borrow Products"
Choose "Return borrowed early". A list of borrowed products will appear.
Choose the products you want to return.
Click the "Return" button. A message appears confirming that the selected products have been returned.
Click the "Close" button