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Responsible unit: Stockholm University Library


(The document has been reviewed for topicality in 2022 and is in need of rework. “Göran Rydberg” must be changed to “Wilhelm Widmark”. “The Archives and Records Office” must be changed to “Stockholm University Library”. “The administration organisation” must be changed to “the university administration”. Overall responsibility is held by “the Library Director at Stockholm University”, and responsibilities are administered at “the University Library”. “The head of the division” must be changed to “the Library Director”. Under the heading “Departments (or equivalent)”, “the Archives and Records Office” must be changed to “Stockholm University Library”; and later on the paragraph, “the Archives and Records Office” must be changed to “the archive function at Stockholm University Library”. Under the heading “Miscellaneous”, “the law function” must be replaced with “the Legal Secretariat”, and “the Planning and Executive Support Division” must be replaced with “the Vice-Chancellor’s office”. The wording "head of department (or equivalent)" must be changed to "head of department, director subordinate to the dean, and/or head of office within the university´s administration". The wording "department (or equivalent)" must be changed to "department, centre organisationally placed under a faculty, and administrative office".

Procedure for the archive organisation and archive maintenance at Stockholm University

This document sets out the regulations for the destruction and return of documents, mainly within the study administration areas of activity and documents related to these areas of activities at Stockholm University. Some documents must be retained, while others may be returned or destroyed after a specified period of retention.

Archive creators

All decision-making bodies at Stockholm University, divisions (or equivalent) at the university administration, departments (or equivalent) and research projects at departments – unless determined otherwise in contracts – create archives consisting of public documents at these bodies.

Organisation and responsibility

Administration organisation

The head of the Archives and Records Office bears overall responsibility for document management, archive creation and archive maintenance at the university, this responsibility being administered at the division.

The head of the division is responsible for the following, among other things, at Stockholm University

  • monitoring applicable statutes and provisions and preparing internal regulations relating to archive and document management,
  • handling/submitting cases on issues relating to archive and document management,
  • reporting on the university administration’s archive creation, support systems for which the organisation is responsible and maintenance of the university’s central archive,
  • assisting the departments (or equivalent) and the university administration’s divisions in their archive and document handling,
  • pursuing internal training and distributing information and intelligence on archive and document management.

Departments (or equivalent)

Primary responsibility for document management and archive maintenance at departments (or equivalent) rests with the department board/head of department (or equivalent), who appoints archive maintenance officers. Messages relating to the designated archive maintenance officer are submitted to the archive function at the Archives and Records Office.

The archives officer is responsible for

  • handling cases relating to archive and document management at departments (or equivalent),
  • ensuring that archive maintenance and archiving are performed as prescribed,
  • compiling archive descriptions and other key documents designated for archive maintenance,
  • if necessary, submitting suggestions for the deletion of archive documents and notifying the archive function of changes in the creation of archives of the department (or equivalent),
  • submitting archive documents to a central archive,
  • submitting a list of support systems used for which the organisation is responsible to the Archives and Records Office once a year.

Archive maintenance officer

The information that the archives maintenance officer should handle includes

  • ensuring that archive stock and its metadata are recorded. This work includes creating and labelling volumes, compiling the archive list for the department (or equivalent), compiling an archive description (in consultation with the archives officer at the department) and other key documents designated for archive maintenance, regardless of storage medium.
  • implementing prescribed deletion of archive documents.

Archive maintenance

Archive recording

The university administration and all departments (or equivalent) must compile and regularly update – on an annual basis – archive descriptions, archive lists and other key documents designated for archive maintenance. Archive stock in main sections and subsidiary sections is reported when compiling a list. The archive documents must be combined into volumes as soon as possible and labelled. Special provisions are applicable to the archiving of digital documents. Applications of these provisions for archiving of digital archive documents are communicated in a separate scheme.

Storage and protection of documents

The archive documents must be stored in a locked area (room or cabinet), ideally fireproof. Only records are to be stored in this area (not forms and stationary, printed items, furniture, machines, etc.).

The archive documents should be protected to prevent unauthorised access. They should only be made available to people who do not belong to the public authority when permission has been granted by the university administration/department (or equivalent). When documents are issued, a check must be performed to find out how the documents will be handled.

The archive function and – at the departments (or equivalent) – the archives officer, are responsible for handling the keys to the central archive.

The various university archives must be kept separate from one another.

Special provisions are applicable to the handling of digital archive documents.

Archive documents must be stored and protected so that the physical and logical quality is ensured, and be set up in accordance with specifications in the archive list.

Deliveries to the central archive

The department (or equivalent) is responsible for ensuring that the archive documents are stored in accordance with applicable provisions prior to delivery to the central archive. Analogue archive documents must be packaged and delivered to the central archive in accordance with instructions from the archive function. The time for delivery is agreed with this organisation. Special provisions are applicable to delivery of digital archive documents. The archive function is responsible for storage and archive maintenance after delivery to the central archive. However, responsibility for the stock itself rests with the archive creator or the organisation that has taken over responsibility for previous activities and documents.


Deletion should be performed at least once a year and may only take place in accordance with prescribed or authorised deletion decisions.

Archive loans

Internal loans from central and departmental archives are acknowledged and marked in a manner appropriate for the purpose. Only entire volumes of analogue documents should be loaned regularly, and not loose documents. Special provisions are applicable to the handling of digital documents.

Loans of archive documents from and to other public authorities are handled by the archive function.


Please consult the law function at the Planning and Executive Support Division for classification of archive documents and handling of the same.