Responsible unit: Human Resources Office

Contact: Anna Jutterdal

(The document has been reviewed in June 2024.
2020: The title Vice-Chancellor has been changed to President.)

Basis for salary determination

Salary determination at Stockholm University should motivate employees in achieving good work performance, developing operations, and contributing to a good working environment.

The University’s pay formation and salary determination are based on the central collective pay agreement for employees in the central Government sector, Ramavtal för löner för arbetstagare inom det statliga avtalsområdet. “Pay formation and salary determination should contribute in achieving operational objectives and ensure that the organisation operates in an efficient and rational manner” (RALS/RALS-T 5 §). The intentions of the central agreements, as well as our operational requirements, financial conditions, and the need to attract and retain staff with adequate skills and competence, constitutes the basis for successful local pay formation at Stockholm University. Salaries should be individually determined, differentiated, and objective.

When determining salaries, the University should base the decision on the following criteria: the responsibility and level of difficulty of the work performed the performance and skills of the employees, as well as the market value of the work in question. Gender neutrality in the application of the salary criteria is an important basis for salary determination.

Salary is a powerful performance management tool. When each employee’s salary reflects performance and skills related to the operational objectives, salary becomes the effective management tool the University seeks to have.

When are new salaries determined?

New individual salaries are determined in connection with:

  • new employment
  • salary reviews
  • during employment if the employer (after consulting with the Head of Human Resources) deems there are special circumstances.

Dialogue between managers and employees

Individual salary determination requires dialogue between managers and employees. All employees should have an annual performance review with their immediate manager. Managers are advised to offer their employees a salary review meeting preceding a salary review. Following the salary review, the employees should be notified of their new salary.

Criteria for determining salary during salary review

During salary reviews, individual salaries should be determined based on an assessment of the employees’ performance and skills in relation to the requirements and responsibilities of the position. To help with the assessment of employees’ performance and skills, the University provides three separate sets of salary criteria: for technical/administrative staff, for teachers and researchers, and for managers with staff responsibility.

The University’s salary criteria serve to assist managers and employees with the dialogue regarding salary and they provide a tool for managers to make an objective assessment of employees’ performance and skills during a salary review (Salary Criteria, SU FV-2.3.8-2436-13).