The Open Science Policy at Stockholm University describes the University's overall objectives in the transition to an open science system. The policy is accompanied by the document Open Science Plan.
Stockholm University's open science policy sets out the overall strategic objectives for the University in an open science system. The policy applies to all employees and concerns anyone whose position requires publication of research results. The University Library is responsible for the governance document and annual review.
Open science means that science is transparent, accessible and reusable for research, innovation and development. The FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) as a guiding principle for good management of research information (scientific publications, research data and other research results) entail that it should be as findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable as possible. Proper documentation and secure information management throughout the research process provide the foundation of good research and are part of every researcher's work. FAIR does not automatically require open access. As open as possible and as restricted as necessary is the practice throughout the research process.
The government's goal is for Swedish higher education to convert to an open science system by 2026. The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions presented the Roadmap for Open Science (REK 2021:1) at its March 2021 meeting. The roadmap includes eight overarching recommendations for actions that must be implemented and competencies that must be in place for higher education institutions to achieve an open science system. To complement the roadmap, the Association has adopted the Guide for Implementation of the Open Science Roadmap. Stockholm University's policy for open science is based on these recommendations.
Stockholm University's policy for open science can be summarised in six overall objectives.
- The University’s research and education environments support, encourage and educate about open science
- The University provides and develops key services and support in a local infrastructure to meet the needs of researchers for basic support throughout the research process
- The University's research results and data are published under an open licence whenever possible
- The University's research results and data are managed, published, preserved and deleted in accordance with FAIR principles, and are handled in an information-secure manner throughout the research process
- The University encourages cooperation and participation in national and international contexts leading to the promotion of sustainable development in open science
- The University encourages an incentive structure that promotes and values open science as an integral part of research evaluation methods.
Division of responsibilities
Stockholm University is responsible providing its researchers with support and information to conduct research of the highest possible quality and impact in the open science system that is gradually being developed. This responsibility includes providing a local infrastructure that supports and enables the proper management, storage, access and preservation of research results and data. The University will ensure that appropriate services, support and frameworks are provided and continuously developed.
Individual researchers are responsible for conducting research in accordance with the University's objectives for open science. Everyone has a responsibility to learn about what an open scientific system means and, if necessary, to seek advice and make use of the central support offered by the University. Researchers are responsible for ensuring that research results and data are handled and made available in a correct and information-secure manner pursuant to applicable legislation, research ethics principles and the University's governance documents.
The complementary governance document Open Science Plan clarifies how the University will achieve the goals set out in the policy. Practical information regarding open science (storage, management, publishing agreements, licensing information, publishing, archiving, funding, guidance, etc.) is available on the University's staff web.