The vice president is next in line after the president and executes the president’s duties when s/he is not available. The university leadership consists of president, vice president, three deputy vice presidents, university director and deputy university director.
Education and research at Stockholm University are divided into two subject areas: the human science and the science. Each area is governed by a board, headed by a deputy vice president. The board for human sciences has three faculties under it: the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law. These are governed by faculty boards each led by a dean. The natural sciences area and the Faculty of Science are one in the same and have their own faculty board.
There are 56 departments and institutions in the various faculties which run research, education and collaboration with the broader society. The departments are led by a department board headed by a department chair.
The university’s administration consists of 11 departments and is led by the university director.