All Stockholm University employees automatically have basic authorisation in the recruiting system and can participate in the selection process.
Everyone who handles recruitment, including external recruitment consultants, needs a higher level of authorisation in ReachMee. The completed and signed authorisation form should be sent to the Human Resources Office/ReachMee.
Please note: The first time that you work with ReachMee, you must first log in to the system and then log out. After your account has been established, you can be invited to join a selection process or receive a higher level of authorisation.
If you don’t have a manual for version 1.3, contact Manuals are also available through the web Recruiting Tools. Go to the “Candidate” tab and click on the document farthest down on the right.
Recruiting Procedure
Decision to recruit
The decision to employ a new co-worker is made by the vice-chancellor, the head of division, or according to the ordinances of each faculty.
Start from the job profile
The job profile is the basis for the job announcement, a tool for the selection of applicants, support for formulating interview questions, and the basis for the assessment after the interview. A job profile increases the likelihood of recruiting the right person into Stockholm University.
Job advertisement
All advertisements should use the appropriate template in order to remain uniform. All advertisements should be written in Swedish. (SFS 2009:600). Contact the registrar to get the reference number for the available position: Indicate the complete job advertisement title (e.g. Doctoral student in biochemistry) and the name of the administrator. For teaching positions, contact the appropriate faculty office.
Approving the advertisement
Write the advertisement using the advertisement template in ReachMee. When the basic advertisement – and the possible English and short, Arbetsförmedlingen versions – are done, click “Send for review.” The Human Resource Office will evaluate it and determine whether the position can be filled by a transfer candidate. If not, they will approve the advertisement within three days. With larger, joint doctoral student job searches, the decision can take five days.
Publication of the open position
The publication of the open position needs to be posted on Stockholm University’s official notice board - Södra huset, house A, level 4 – as well as posted on our website. (You can print out the notice-board advertisement using ReachMee). The recommended search length is three weeks. Occasionally, operational considerations demand a shorter time period.
Registration to Arbetsförmedlingen
Publication of open positions should also be registered with Arbetsförmedlingen according to the Regulation on government job notices. You register the position with Arbetsförmedlingen by checking the box “Platsbanken” in the publication channel section of ReachMee.
To employ a non-EU citizen, the announcement has to be on Arbetsförmedlingen’s website at least 10 days in order to get the applicant’s working status approved. For more information, see Stöd vid internationell rekrytering.
External announcements
To attract applicants and reach the right target group, it can be necessary to use external media, whether digital or print.
Design of printed advertisements
If printed announcement are needed, see Visual identity’s Graphic Manual and Suppliers. Printing costs are paid by the respective department/ unit. You can create your announcement using the university’s Production tool. Read more at Tools for visual identity.
The registrar enters the names and email addresses from applications that come by mail or email into the recruiting system and also sends them via email to the administrator. Every applicant who uses the recruiting system automatically gets a confirmation. A template for correspondence with the applicants is in the system.
Selection process
Make a shortlist of the applicants, call them to interviews, get references, and so on. Use the “job profile” to create interview and reference templates. See Recruiting templates.
Make a decision. Agree on the start date and salary, as well as any provisional periods for the new co-worker. Make clear that the appointment only becomes final after being posted on the official notice board for three weeks.
Employment decision/Employment agreement
Complete the form “Employment decision” found in the Forms library in the recruiting system. The “notes” field should contain a short description of the main job tasks. It should also say, “The decision is valid only after the official notice period.” Write a short rationale for the decision. (There’s a template in the file.)
Information for new employees
Send a signed original copy of the to the new employee along with the following documents: “Welcome letter to new employees,” “You and your workplace,” and “Regulations for employees and personnel working on behalf of Stockholm University concerning the use of information and information management resources” (in the attached files at the bottom). The new employee should confirm receipt by signing the decision and turning it in on their first day of work. Also send a copy of the employment decision to,, and When the employment period is longer than 1 year or a probationary period, the Human Resources Office has five days to review the employment decision.
Posting of the decision
Fill in the “Notice” form (in the form library under “Personnel”). The notice contains the name of the new employee and the procedure for contesting the decision. Post the notice on the university’s official notice board (Södra huset, house A, level 4).
Information for other applicants
Inform the other applicants that the vacancy has been filled. The template for the thank-you letter is in the recruiting system. Applicants interviewed for the position should be informed verbally.
Appealing the decision
The employment decision can be contested for three weeks after the notice is first posted on the official notice board. Any objection to the decision of an academic department is handled according to the ordinances of each faculty. For administrative departments, it is handled by the Human Resources Office.
Decision becomes valid
The decision becomes valid after the official notice period is over in the case that there are no objections. If the decision has been contested, it becomes valid only after the College Appeals Authority (Överklagandenämnden för högskolan) has finished its investigation.
Employment decision and justification
Send a copy of the employment decision, CV, and relevant certifications (e.g. certificate of highest degree earned) to the salary administrator at the Human Resources Office. Copies are kept in the personnel file at the Human Resources Office.
Documenting the process
ReachMee recruiting system automatically keeps a record of the general documents. To ensure that you have uploaded all of the general recruiting documents, check the manual. If further documentation is necessary, consult with the registrar for guidance. The registrar will confirm with you after ensuring that all documentation is properly done.
List of “general recruiting documents”
- Advertisement and basic advertisement
- Applications
- Expert opinions
- Rationale for the decision
- Notice of the decision
- Employment decision
Potentially required
- Cancelled recruiting
- Withdrawn searches
- Supplements