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  5. Rehabilitation


Blommande körsbärsträd på Frescati, foto: Stockholms universitet

Here can be found support for managers to help them meet their rehabilitation responsibility.

This page is under construction and will contain, amongst other things, information about rehabilitation, division of responsibilities, Stockholm University's rehabilitation process and a toolbox for managers.

Rehabilitation at Stockholm University

Information about rehabilitation at Stockholm University and details regarding how documentation for rehabilitation is done can be found here.

Division of responsibilities

There are many parties involved in a rehabilitation process. Each one has their own role and responsibility. Here can be found information about the division of responsibilities.

Rehabilitation process at Stockholm University

What happens when an employee becomes sick? Here can be found information about your obligations as manager during the rehabilitation process.

Toolbox for managers

Here can be found all documents, templates, guides etc. that a manager may need during the rehabilitation process. This section also contains a glossary of rehabilitation terms and reference to a section of law.