In case of sickness

Sick leave
On your first day of sickness, you make a report of sickness via Primula website Also follow the department's/equivalent routines when reporting sickness.

Return to work report
When you are back at work, you make a return to work report via Primula web.

Sick for more than 7 days

If you are sick more than 7 calendar days in a row, you must submit a full (only the diagnosis may be concealed) medical certificate to your immediate manager who is responsible for your rehabilitation.

In certain circumstances, a medical certificate may be required for a shorter period of time. For periods of sickness of more than 7 days, registration in Primula is done by a payroll officer at the HR Office, after receiving sick leave report via the department/equivalent.

When processing sick leave reports and medical certificates, secrecy applies in accordance with the Secrecy Act (Sekretesslagen).

Sick pay and qualifying period of deduction from sick pay

If you are on sick leave, you as an employee are entitled to sick pay from your employer. A qualifying period of deduction is made from the sick pay.

Sick pay for days 114 during the sick period is 80 % of the deduction from sick pay. For days 15365, a sickness benefit supplement of 10 % of the sickness deduction is paid. From the 15th day of a period of sickness, sickness benefit is paid by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan). Employees with an annual salary of more than 8 times the price base amount receive from the day 15 of sick leave compensation for the exceeding part according to Villkorsavtal/Villkorsavtal-T, chap. 7.

The qualifying period of deduction from sick pay is calculated on the basis of current compensation during the month. The deduction is made with the same amount, regardless of whether you are sick all or a part of the first day of sickness. However, the qualifying period of deduction from sick pay can never be greater than the estimated sick pay. If a new period of sickness begins within five calendar days of the end of a previous period of sickness, it is considered a continuation of the previous period of sickness in terms of qualifying period of deduction from sick pay, the amount of compensation and the length of the sick pay period. This means i.a. that if full qualifying period of deduction from sick pay has not been possible in the first period of sickness, the remaining deduction shall be made in the next period.