This page about overall information as well as the subpages will be updated as new information becomes available.
Background and purpose
According to the Work Environment Act, the employer must systematically plan, lead and control the operations from a work environment point of view. Furthermore, the employer must regularly examine and follow up the working conditions and assess the risks that someone may suffer from ill health or accidents at work. The Swedish Work Environment Authority's (Arbetsmiljöverket) regulation on organizational and social work environment also requires written goals within the organizational and social work environment.
On March 31, 2016, the president decided that all departments, centers under faculties and administrative offices at Stockholm University will regularly conduct employee surveys to follow up the organizational and social work environment. The entire university conducted an employee survey during the period 2017–2020. Analyzes of the results constitutes Uppföljning av: Mål för arbetsmiljö- och lika villkorsarbetet 2020–2022 (in Swedish).
Planning and implementation of the employee survey for 2021–2023 is based on the formulated goals for the work environment and equal opportunities work with the aim of systematically investigating and following up the organizational and social work environment through a university-wide employee survey.
The result will serve as a starting point in continued dialogues about the organizational and social work environment that is part of the strategic work environment management that Stockholm University conducts.
The overall purpose of the employee survey is to map the current work environment, but it will also be possible to make a comparison with previous results.
Employee survey 2021–2023
During the period 2021 to 2023, Stockholm University will conduct an employee survey, divided into three sub-surveys:
- PhD students' work situation (carried out autumn 2021)
- Working climate, leadership and performance reviews (carried out autumn 2022)
- Harassment, sexual harassment and victimization (will be carried out autumn 2023).
Detailed information on the individual sub-surveys will be available at a later date.
This is same type of employee survey that was conducted between 2017 and 2020. The difference is that the survey is now divided into sub-surveys with the aim of focusing on the above areas and target groups.
Questions are clearly linked to the goals for work environment and equal opportunities that the university has established in our internal governing documents – for example in Work environment and equal opportunity policy and in Mål för arbetsmiljö- och lika villkorsarbetet 2023–2024 (both in Swedish).
The results will be presented, analyzed and form a starting point for the continued improvement work both in terms of each department´s/office´s work environment and the overall systematic work environment management at Stockholm University.
Who does what
As a manager with work environment responsibility, you will participate in the planning of the employee survey by, among other things, helping the HR Office to get the right information about your organization and about who will participate in the survey. You will also be responsible for providing feedback on the results to your employees. You and your employees should have a dialogue about the result that leads to you and your employees creating measures linked to your result, for example with the help of workshops.
HR Office
The HR Office organizes and coordinates the employee survey at Stockholm University and produces support materials and tools that will help you as a manager to work further with your results. Ahead of this autumn's sub-survey, the HR Office will invite all managers to digital information seminars to give them more support in interpreting and working further with the results. The HR Office will also be available to provide reinforced support in those activities that need of specific measures.
It is important that all employees participate in the employee survey by answering the survey, participating in the feedback of results and further work with the result. It is an opportunity for everyone to be able to influence their own work environment.
External partner
Stockholm University has signed an contract with the supplier Quicksearch.
The supplier will provide a web-based portal where all managers will have access to the results of their activities as well as various support materials. Quicksearch will help with the practicalities of planning and implementation and can also be used as support in the feedback on results and in the work with the results (e.g. workshops). The company guarantees anonymity and confidentiality regarding the handling of the survey collection, results and feedback.
If you have any questions about the employee survey, you can contact the HR Office at