About us
The Research Data Management Team is a university-wide support function, in collaboration between Stockholm University Library, the Archive, the Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services, the Office of the President and the Bolin Centre Database for climate and earth system data.
The Research Data Management Team assists researcher and doctoral students with expertise and tools for handling, storing, publishing and preserving research data. We give individual advice, visit departments and arrange webinars and workshops for research groups, doctoral students, post docs or new employees.
We can assist researchers in:
- Getting started with research data management.
- Writing a Data Management Plan.
- Locating guidelines, rights and restrictions applicable to data.
- Selecting a secure service for data storage.
- Selecting a data repository for data publishing.
- Making data as open and FAIR as possible.
- Curating data prior to publishing and archiving.
Read more about the tools we offer at Manage and store data.
Workshops and webinars
We offer webinars on data management practices, Data Management Plans, the FAIR principles, data publishing, open data, Electronic Lab Notebooks, data storage and archiving.
We offer workshops in Data/Library/Software Carpentry, together with KTH Library and KI Library in Stockholm Trio.
We gave the course Open Science for PhD Students (5 ECTS), in the spring of 2024.
Open events are announced in the Researchers' calendar at www.su.se/researchers. If you, as a supervisor, collegiums and others would like to know more, please contact us.
Researchers' calendar
Data/Library/Software Carpentry workshop with Stockholm Trio
Open Science for PhD Students (5 ECTS)
Departments' research data network
We are developing a research data network during 2022 and 2023 to facilitate communication between researchers and administration. Each department is encouraged to appoint a contact person. Please contact us for more information.
National and international research data collaborations
Stockholm University collaborates with several national and international actors that aim to facilitate the publishing of open and FAIR research data.
Swedish Research Council
The Swedish Research Council promotes and coordinates the national work on open access to research data. As part of this work, the SRC also coordinates the work with data management plans.
SRC's work with open access to research data
Swedish National Data Service
The Swedish National Data Service (SND) is a national infrastructure for research data. SND's main task is to support the availability, conservation and reuse of research data and related materials. You find courses and much practical advice on how to manage, structure, organize publish and preserve your research data correctly on the SND website.
Swedish National Data Service, SND
European Open Science Cloud
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an initiative by the European Commission on a common, open and virtual environment for FAIR and open research data. It is a scientific ecosystem under construction with services for storage, handling, analysis and reuse of research data.
The EOSC builds on and connects existing solutions and infrastructures in the Member States that provide services for the storage, management, sharing, analysis and use of open research data. The EOSC portal will bring together European research infrastructures and make it easier to find and work with research data.
European Open Science Cloud, EOSC
EOSC portal
Research Data Management team
For questions on research data management, data publishing and preservation:
E-mail: opendata@su.se