Established practice and generally accepted principles of research integrity and ethics have developed over time within the research community. There have also been laws enacted in this field, in Sweden primarily in the form of the Ethical review act (etikprövningslagen) from 2004 and the Act on responsibility for good research practice and the examination of research misconduct (lagen om ansvar god forskningssed och prövning av oredlighet i forskning) from 2020. This has given rise to criticism against the "juridification of ethics". Are there good reasons for this criticism, and if so, what are the arguments? Or do we instead have reason to think that legislation in the area of research integrity and ethics is for the good? What would be the characteristics of appropriate legal restrictions relating to research integrity and ethics concerns?

The webinar will begin by the speakers giving presentations on these topics, followed by a discussion.

•    Johan Brännmark, Senior lecturer in Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University. Johan works in normative ethics, political philosophy, and social ontology. He has taught research ethics, been a faculty contact person for research ethics, as well as a member of a division of the Swedish Ethical Review Authority. He currently also chairs the Region Skåne Ethics Council.
•    Lena Wahlberg, Senior lecturer and Associate Professor in Jurisprudence at the Department of Law, Lund University. Lena is specializing in medical law, and has mostly been concerned with problems that arise in the interface of law and the natural sciences. Currently, Lena is part of a research project investigating the adequacy of the Swedish Ethical Review Act.
•    Arne Jarrick, Professor emeritus of History at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Stockholm University. Arne has studied collective attitudes and processes of civilization among ordinary people, and topics of cultural dynamics. Recently, Arne has studied the long-term global history of law-making and he has been engaged in research on the global conditions of Humanities research.

The webinar is primarily intended for researchers and other staff at Stockholm University.

The webinar will be in English.

The webinar is organized by the Ethics support function at the Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services at Stockholm University. You are welcome to contact us at

Welcome to register for the webinar here!