pictogrambild av ett hänglås

Our lecture rooms in Albano and Frescati are temporary locked, but there is a function to unlock (open) a door with SU-access card. The function is active Monday–Friday between 07:45–19:00. In order to avoid further thefts. It is important that teachers, or anyone that opens a lecture hall, ensure that the door is locked when leaving the room.

If you have teachers who do not have a SU-access card, or lack permission to the halls, it is possible for an authorized person at the department to make a request in the Service Portal. In that case, put an order for access card with the permission “timlärare undervisningslokaler” (part-time teacher lecture halls) and the teacher will be granted access to all lecture halls.

Note! The two large auditoriums in Albano (Albano Auditorium 2 and Albano Auditorium 5) have four entrances and each door must be unlocked (opened) separately so that, for example, students can enter the auditorium. 

Instructions on how to unlock/lock the doors

Following are instructions on how to unlock, or lock, a door that has a card- or door-leaf-reader. The function is active Monday–Friday between 07:45–19:00.

How to set time for unlocked door

On the keypad: press 2A – Use your card and enter desired time – Press A
Time is specified in hours. 

Example. To keep a door open for one hour – Press 2A – Use card and code – Press 1 – Press A

To cancel a set time for unlocked door

To cancel the action press 2B and use your card.