A well-executed procurement not only helps you get the right price on your acquisitions, it also helps you avoid doing business with dubious companies. Procurement is a tool to articulate and survey your needs in a way that ensures the quality of the goods or service you wish to acquire. In order to help you in this area, a new procurement section has been established at Stockholm University. We will continuously develop our working methods in order to meet the demands of the University.
The Public Procurement Act
The Public Procurement Act (LOU) is the law regulating public procurement.
Simply put, one can say that it is based on five principles:
The principle of equal treatment stipulates that all suppliers are entitled to the same conditions, such as gaining access to the same information at the same time, to make sure that no supplier has an advantage.
The principle of non-discrimination prohibits the direct or indirect discrimination of suppliers, mainly in terms of nationality. For example, the procuring entity is not allowed to give priority to a local company on grounds of geographical proximity.
The principle of mutual recognition denotes that documents and certificates issued by the appropriate authorities in any EU member state must be recognised and accepted in the other member states.
The principle of proportionality dictates that the qualification criteria and the specification of requirements must be proportionate and have a natural relation to what is being procured.
The principle of transparency means that the procurement process should be predictable and transparent. In order to give tenderers the same opportunities to submit tenders, the tender documents must be plain and clear and contain all the criteria for the procurement. The stipulated requirements may not be subsequently deviated from.
This law has multiple purposes:
To promote the effective use of public funds.
To promote free mobility of goods and services within the EU.
To obviate behaviour that limits competition.
To facilitate companies to do business with the public sector.
Do not hesitate to contact the Procurement Section if you have any questions!
Procurement Section
In addition to working with changing the procurement and purchasing processes at the University, the Procurement Section has the following responsibilities:
- Carry out procurements that exceed the limit for direct award procurement
- Follow up procurement and purchasing processes, both internally and externally
- Provide templates, routines, and process descriptions
- Provide support to purchasing coordinators, units, and purchasers in procurement and purchasing matters
- Provide training and information
- Handle review procedures
- Provide support during disputes with suppliers
- Oversee the e-commerce and Wisum portals
- Oversee the procurement system and the associated contract catalogue
If you have questions regarding purchasing and procurement please contact your local Inköpskoordinator (Purchasing coordinator)