Stockholm University glossary
List of titles, terms and concepts commonly used in academia and specifically at Stockholm University, translated into English.
- Glossary of commonly used terms at Stockholm University (English => Swedish)
- Ordlista över vanligt förekommande termer inom Stockholms universitet (Swedish => English)
English names of institutions, centres, departments and the like can be found here:
Recommended dictionaries and glossaries
UHR's Swedish-English dictionary
The Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) is responsible for the Swedish-English/English-Swedish dictionary for higher education. The dictionary is updated every year in December after new and revised terms have been published on the basis of a referral process involving universities and related organizations.
Utrikes namnbok (”book of foreign names”)
This booklet contains names of Swedish government agencies, Swedish organisations and EU bodies, Swedish titles used in the public administrative system and country names. The terms are given in seven languages: Swedish, English, German, French, Spanish, Finnish and Russian.
Word Finder
Stockholm University subscribes to the Wordfinder service, which includes dictionaries for translation from English to Swedish and Swedish to English.
NE's dictionaries
The National Encyclopedia's dictionaries are also useful for translating from and into English.
EU English style guide
The European Commission's "English style guide" is primarily intended for native speakers and English translators working for the European Commission. It also serves as a reminder and inspiration for a wider circle of readers with other native languages.