For Stockholm University, this means that each department may wish to assess the possibility of conducting certain activities on site, already during the summer. In this case, activities should be planned in such a way as to minimize the risk of contributing to the spread of covid-19.

From the autumn semester, most activities can be carried out on campus if the level of the spread of infection and vaccination coverage allow. Teaching for large groups of students on campus, for example in the form of large-scale lectures, should however be avoided, especially in early autumn.

All teaching and examination must be carried out in accordance with the Swedish Public Health Agency's current rules and recommendations regarding distance, avoidance of congestion, hand washing, etc. to reduce the risk of the spread of infection.

Hall-based examinations may be carried out

Previous decisions that hall-based exams should not be carried out are hereby revoked. Hall-based examinations may therefore be carried out again but, for practical reasons, only under the auspices of the departments at present.

The Central Examination Services has previously been able to accept bookings for examinations from 1 November. During the period 1-4 June, it will also be possible to make bookings relating to examinations from 29 September to 31 October.

More information on applicable recommendations:

Maximum number of participants in different gatherings and premises (in Swedish)

Information on covid-19 and education (in Swedish)

Government plan for phasing out restrictions