“The International Office has been commissioned to strengthen and coordinate the university’s central support for internationalisation targeted primarily at faculties and departments. The idea is to clarify who does what within the University’s central organisation. The office will be a starting point for questions about internationalisation as well as for those who need help or are looking for inspiration. We also work closely with both the Office of the President and the Office for Research, Engagement and Innovations Services, which will continue to be responsible for certain questions”, says Åsa Petri, Head of Unit for the International Office, Student Services.
As of January 2022, Stockholm University has an International Office, located within the Student Services. The office was formed after investigatory work, consultation rounds and a president’s decision in the spring of 2021. It does not only handle exchange programmes but also certain strategic collaborations with other universities, such as Tokyo University, university-wide visits and is also responsible for the university’s membership in a number of international associations. The assignment is thus broader than student mobility, despite the fact that Åsa Petri and her colleagues are part of Student Services.
Mission to support the university’s core operations
“Our aim is to facilitate, inform about opportunities and bring different parts of the university together, disseminate best practice and so on. Our mission is to support the university’s core operations, we prioritize a close dialogue with departments and faculties and will start our work by making an inventory and disseminate knowledge about internationalization”, says Åsa Petri.
There is no specific increase in resources for the reorganisation. The idea is that the existing resources will be used more efficiently by organizing work in a different way.
“The university should not only focus on exchanges and travels. We have a lot of international staff, international master’s students and exchange students whose experiences we can build on. We can also take advantage of and use technology to increase international elements in our courses, something we have done during these past two years, says Åsa Petri.
Increased quality in education
One of the goals for the university’s work with internationalisation is increased quality in education.
“In an international context, you can see yourself from a different perspective and question why we do things in a certain way – the content of our courses, the literature we use and the pedagogical approaches. And you have the opportunity to share things we do well. Internationalisation is a way to support others and at the same time develop yourself further”, says Åsa Petri.
“There is also a larger perspective, not just to inspire. By increasing our understanding of other people, we can contribute to a more peaceful world with fewer conflicts. Although there is instability close to us, at the moment, I hope that we can maintain contacts at the individual level to support those who work for democracy and human rights.
International Office
Stockholm University’s International Office is located at Student Services. Its mission is to:
- coordinate the university’s work concerning internationalisation within the central operational support and contribute to increased competence regarding internationalisation
- support the departments for increased internationalisation
- coordinate international exchange opportunities at central level
- coordinate and provide support for departments regarding international student recruitment
- create forms for continuous dialogue with representatives from the core operations in order to strengthen the work with integrated internationalization
More about the university’s international work can be found at su.se/internationalisation