Why Alumni Relations?
Network for alumni coordinators at Stockholm university’s departments
Contact the alumni relations team at Student Services
Why Alumni Relations?
To keep contact with former students can be very rewarding. Alumni contributes to education by giving guest lectures, engaging as mentors, participating in marketing of study programmes and by answering surveys. They are often great ambassadors of the study programme, subject field and the university.
The needs of alumni relations and alumni collaboration can differ withing the university. But even so, you can get out a lot by keeping contact with your former students. What's important is finding what's interesting and relevant for your department and for your alumni.
Network for alumni coordinators at Stockholm university’s departments
Alumni relations exist on central level as well as on departmental level at Stockholm university.
On the central level, at Student Services there are two alumni coordinators working full-time, coordinating and leading working groups, implementing projects on a central level as well as planning and conducting alumni events. At most department there is one or more people working with alumni relations part-time. However, this might vary amongst the different departments at the university.
Additionally, there is a network for employees that works with alumni relations or those who are interested of actively working with alumni. Network meetings are held twice each semester to discuss activities, collaboration, needs and for exchange of knowledge and experiences. Today, about 40 departments have appointed a contact person and member of the network. You are welcomed to join us! See contact information at the bottom of the page.
Contact the alumni relations team at Student Services
Do you want to explore the possibilities for starting up alumni relations at your department? Do you want to hear more about what support and advice we can offer you from Student Services?
Contact: alumni@su.se
Web: su.se/alumn (Swedish), su.se/alumni (English)