
Here you will find contact information to Score and to our staff.


Visiting address

Frescativägen 14 A, Stockholm University

Postal address

Stockholm University
Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research
106 91 Stockholm



+46 (0) 8 16 20 00

Invoicing address

Stockholms universitet
190 87 Rosersberg
Please specify "309321" as a reference.

Payment to Score

Bankgiro 5050-0206


Danske Bank
Norrmalmstorg 1
111 46 Stockholm
Bank account: 12810117756

IBAN: SE1612000000012810117756

Organisation number


For payments to Score, please specify "309321" as a reference in the message field.


Ann Linders, Communications Officer
Telephone: +46(0)8-674 71 24

Please contact Ann Linders, the individual researcher that you are interested in directly or refer to the university press office for publicity and media services.
Press and media


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Directors of research

Senior scholars at Score are, for limited periods, appointed as directors of research. Such directors have a special responsibility for the development of Score’s thematic research, including the procurement of research grants from external sources.

Director of Research
Director of Research

Executive board

Chair of the Executive Board
Acting member
Acting member


Our administrative staff are responsible for finances, administration, information and other matters relating to Score. Here you will also find contact information for Score's director and deputy director.

Deputy Director
Administrative Coordinator
Communications Officer
Financial Coordinator


Researchers at Score have a Ph.D in Business Administration, Management, Social Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science or another related social science discipline.


Doctoral students

PhD students may have Score as their place of work, but they are always enrolled in the postgraduate programme in a related department. Thesis projects should be related to research being conducted at Score, and, as a rule, the supervisor is a researcher at Score.

Ph.D Student

Research assistants

Research assistants have a university degree from one of the disciplines represented at Score, and assist in research projects carried out by researchers at Score. The positions are temporary and typically refer to short-term assignments.


Affiliated reseachers

Tim Bartley, Professor, Earth Commons Institute and Department of Sociology, Georgetown University, USA
Jenny Cisneros Örnberg, Associate Professor, Political Science, Stockholm University
Andreas Melldahl, Associate Professor at Department of Sociology, Uppsala University
Hanna Sofia Rehnberg, Associate Professor at Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University
Ola Segnestam Larsson, Associate Professor, Marie Cederschiöld University
Fredrik Svärdsten, Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University


Guest professors


Richard Swedberg, Professor Emeritus, Sociology, Cornell University.
Guest Professor at Score during the period of September 2019 - June 2020.


Cris Shore, Professor, Social Anthropology, University of Auckland.
Guest Professor at Score during the period of January - December 2018.



Guest researchers

Guest researchers 2023

Jacob Aars, Professor, Univeristy of Bergen.
Anne Kaun, Professor, Södertörn University.
Martin Koch, Senior Lecturer, Bielefeld University.
Anahita Assadi, Ph.D Student, Uppsala University.
Hannes Landén, Ph.D Student, Uppsala University.

Hanna Sofia Rehnberg, Ph.D, Södertörn University.

Guest researchers 2022

Donal Casey, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Kent.
Corinna Cruse, Associate Professor, Linköping Univeristy.
Emma Ek Österberg, Associate Professor, Gothenburg University.
Julia Fleischer, Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, University
of Potsdam.
Hanna Sofia Rehnberg, Ph.D, Södertörn University.

Guest researchers 2021

Donal Casey, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Kent.
Hanna Sofia Rehnberg, Ph.D, Södertörn University.
Johan Lindquist, Professor of Social Anthropology, Stockholm Univeristy. 
Maria Arnelid, Ph.D Student, Linköping University.

Guest researchers 2020

Hanna Sofia Rehnberg, Ph.D, Södertörn University.
Johan Lindquist, Professor of Social Anthropology, Stockholm Univeristy. 
Maria Törnqvist, Associate Professor, Uppsala University.
Maria Arnelid, Ph.D Student, Linköping University.
Hannah Altmann, Ph.D Student, Stockholm School of Economics.

Guest researchers 2019

David Scott, Ph.D Student, Karlstad University.
Lucio Todisco, Ph.D Student, University of Naples Federico II, Italy.
Max Jerneck, Ph.D, University of Lund.
Andrew Sturdy, Professor, University of Bristol, UK.

Guest researchers 2018

John Murray, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Stockholm Business School.
Gustav Peebles, Associate Professor, The New School, New York, USA.
Daniel Tarschys, Professor Emeritus Political Science, Stockholm University.
Marta Reuter, Associate senior lecturer Political Science, Stockholm University.
Erica Falkenström, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Science of education, Stockholm University. 

Guest researchers 2017

John Murray, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Stockholm Business School.
Torbjörn Friberg, Associate Professor, Anthropology,  Malmö högskola.
Michael Grothe-Hammer, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg.
Baptiste Aguila, Freie Universität, Berlin.
Gustav Peebles, Associate Professor, The New School, New York, USA.
Sigrid Quack, Professor Sociology, Universität Duisburg-Essen.
Daniel Tarschys, Professor Emeritus Political Science, Stockholm University.
Marta Reuter, Associate senior lecturer Political Science, Stockholm University.
Erica Falkenström, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Science of education, Stockholm University. 

Guest researchers 2016

Miriam Lampe, Doctoral Researcher, Bielefeld University.
Lovisa Näslund, Ph.D in Business Administration, Stockholm School of Economics.
Jenny Svensson, Ph.D in Business Administration, Södertörn University.
Cecilia Fredriksson, Doctoral Student, Åbo Akademi University.
Eva Karlberg, Doctoral Student, Södertörn University.
Ines Peixoto, Doctoral Student, Aalto University.
Dr Marie-Laure Djelic, Professor of Management, ESSEC Business School, Paris.

Guest researchers 2015

Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska, Assistant Researcher of Sociology, University of Warsaw.
Bogdan Prokopovych, Ph.D in Management, University of Rhode Island.
Hogne Lerøy Sataøen,Ph.D Sociology, University of Bergen.
Christopher Dorn, Doctoral Researcher, Bielefeld University.
Kathia Serrano-Velarde, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Heidelberg University.
Lene Tolstrup Christensen, Doctoral Student, Copenhagen Business School.
Veronika Tacke, Professor of Sociology of Organization, Bielefeld University.
Janine R. Wedel, Anthropologist (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley) and University Professor in the School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs, George Mason University.
Afshin Mehrpouya, Assistant Professor of Accounting and Management Control, HEC Paris.
Lovisa Näslund, Ph.D in Business administration, Stockholm School of Economics.
Tiziana Sardiello,  Ph.D in Sociology, Stockholm University.

Guest researchers 2014

Martin Seeliger, Doctoral fellow at Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG), in Cologne, Germany.
Kathia Serrano-Velarde, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Heidelberg University.
Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska, Assistant Researcher of Sociology, University of Warsaw.
Veronika Tacke, Professor of Sociology of Organization, Bielefeld University.
Klara Tomson, Ph.D.
Carl Yngfalk, Ph.D.

Guest researchers 2013

Louise Bringselius, Ph.D.
Dr Marie-Laure Djelic, Professor of Management, ESSEC Business School, Paris.
Maria Grafström, Associate Professor of Management.
Magnus IsbergPh.D, Associate Professor, Political science, Stockholm University, former Secretary to the Standing Committee on the Constitution of the Swedish Parliament.
Lara Monticelli, Ph.D Student.
Ola Svenonius, Ph.D, Political Science.
Dr Veronica Tacke, Professor of Sociology of Organization, Bielefeld University.
Keiko Yokoyama, Ph.D.

Guest researchers 2012

Dr Olivier Borraz, Research Director, CNRS-Science Po/Centre de Sociologie des Organisations (CSO), Paris.
Louise Bringselius, Ph.D.
Dr Marie-Laure Djelic, Professor of Management, ESSEC Business School, Paris.
Hervé Dumez, Research Director, CNRS-Science Po/Centre de Sociologie des Organisations (CSO), Paris.
Maria Grafström, Associate Professor of Management.
Marie-Rachel Jacob, Ph.D, Management Science.
Ola Svenonius, Ph.D, Political Science.
Dr Veronica Tacke, Professor of Sociology of Organization, Bielefeld University.
Keiko Yokoyama, Ph.D.



Score Fellows

The position as Score Fellow is a full time senior guest researcher employment, over a three month period. The holder of the Score Fellow in Public Organization shall have a research interest in organizations and processes of organization and organizing in the intersection between the public, private and civil society sectors.

As a Score Fellow you are expected to have an interest in Score’s research areas, such as the main research themes (the organization of markets, the organization of knowledge, the organization of democracy, legitimacy and power, and the organization of rule-setting and rule-following).

The holder of the position shall work with their own Score-related research and shall also actively contribute to the research environment at Score, through dialogues, active participation at seminars and other events at Score during the fellowship period.

Score Fellows 2023/2024:

  • Maria Jansson
  • Eva Lövbrand
  • Jesper Petersson

Score Fellows 2022/2023:

  • David Ciepley
  • Emma Ek Österberg
  • Corinna Kruse

Score Fellows 2020/2021:

  • Julia Fleischer
  • Jonathan Metzger
  • Roland Paulsen
  • Linda Soneryd

Score Fellows 2019/2020

  • Stina Bergman Blix
  • Francis Lee
  • Johan Lindqvist
  • Kenneth Mølbjerg Jørgensen
  • Josef Pallas
  • Maria Törnqvist
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