Comments on the EC's Sustainable Products Initiative

The Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre's comments on the European Commission’s EU Public consultation on "Sustainable Products Initiative".

The Sustainable Products Initiative will revise the Ecodesign Directive and propose additional legislative measures as appropriate, and it aims to make products placed on the EU market more sustainable. This is Stockholm University's additional reply to the European Commission's consultation questionnaire:

Today, information on the chemical composition of articles (consumer products) is very scarce, making it difficult to understand which potentially hazardous chemicals are being released to the environment. The lack of chemical ingredient lists also hinders the assessment of human indoor exposure and forms a barrier to implementing a circular economy with non-toxic material cycles.

There is an urgent need for standardised methods and legal incentives to increase the availability of information on chemicals in articles for authorities, researchers, and consumers. Please read more in the attached file.

Policy brief: Chemicals in articles

Comment: Important that Sustainable Products Initiative include transparency on chemicals

June 8, 2021

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