
Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre works to make marine research visible, synthetize research results, and forward useful knowledge to decision makers, management authorities as well as the society in general.

Results from our research projects are published in scientific journals continuously. We also produce various reports, articles and digital information targeting different audiences. In addition, we organize meetings and conferences to illuminate important marine issues, where for example scientists with common interests can meet and collaborate.

View all publications from the Baltic Sea Centre in the publications-database DIVA:

Scientific publications 


Policy briefs and fact sheets

Policy briefs are summaries of scientific knowledge, usually connected to a current managemental development or political proceeding, that aim to enhance engagement in important Baltic Sea issues. Our policy briefs are distributed to their relevant audience and presented by our experts at events. 

Read more about our work with policy and decision support


Consultation replies

The Baltic Sea Centre is a frequent contributor of scientific advise to marine environmental investigations and inquiries by Swedish authorities, the European Commission and other actors.

Read our replies to recent consultations



The majority of the reports in our report series are written in Swedish, but occasionally we publish reports in English.

Read about our Swedish reports.

Baltic Sea Fellows Strategic Research Area funding progress Report for the period 2017-2021

The Baltic Sea Fellows research group today consists of senior lecturers, assistant lecturers and postdoctoral fellows at six different departments. Their research range from the biogeochemical conditions and circulation processes of the Baltic Sea to long term ecosystem and food web changes and how human activities on land affect the sea. This also includes research on policy instruments and legislation that regulate management on marine protected areas, fisheries and pollution.

Baltic Sea Fellows Strategic Research Area funding progress Report for the period 2017-2021 (1118 Kb)

Report 2/2018: Limitations of using blue mussel farms as a nutrient reduction measure

Blue mussel farming has been suggested as a cost effective nutrient mitigation tool in the Baltic Sea, to complement land-based measures. However, the environmental conditions of the Baltic proper, particularly the low salinity, affect the nutrient uptake efficiency of the blue mussels. Farming of mussels with the primary aim to capture nutrients from the sea has also been questioned due to the risk for unwanted environmental effects. In this report, we discuss potential problems regarding blue mussel farming as a nutrient mitigation measure in the Baltic proper, based on (1) the effects of low salinity on mussel growth and physiology and (2) potential negative environmental effects.

Limitations of using blue mussel farms as a nutrient reduction measure in the Baltic Sea (1184 Kb)


Baltic Sea Centre researcher Emma Undeman has written a series of reports on hazardous substances to support the update of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP):

Diclofenac in the Baltic Sea

Dioxins and PCBs in the Baltic Sea

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the Baltic Sea

PFOS and other PFASs in the Baltic Sea


Publications in cooperation with others

Several series of publications at the Baltic Sea Centre is produced in collaboration with others.

Read more about these on our Swedish webpage

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