Past events

Did you miss a SUCCeSS event? Have a look below, some of our events held on Zoom have been recorded.

Look below for for links to past events.


Webinar: Circular Economy Challenges and Opportunities, 20th of March 2024

Non-toxic supply chains transparency, traceability, trade-offs and knowledge gaps

Natasja Börjeson Post Doc, Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University

RegioGreenTex a European science-industry collaboration

Stina Björquist Researcher, Research Institutes of Sweden, RISE


Webinar: Innovative Solutions for a Sustainable Agriculture, 21st February 2024

Managing Invasive Pest Species: The Case in the Philippines

Divina M. Amalin, Director, Center for Natural Sciences and Environmental Research, DLSU, Philippines

Digital Phenotyping for Plant Breeding and Variety Testing

Dan Jeric Rustia, Researcher, Greenhouse Automation and Robotics Team
WUR, The Netherlands


Bridging forestry, plant genetics, materials science and sustainability, 22nd January 2024

Edouard Pesquet, Professor
DEEP, Stockholm University

Anna Karlberg, 
Vice President, Forest R&D Stora Enso


SUCCeSS webinar, with Circular Economy Queen, Elin Bergman from CradleNet

"Circular opportunities and success stories" - with Elin Bergman, CradleNet

Elin Bergman is known for being the Circular Economy Queen of Sweden. She the COO and spokesperson of the Swedish circular economy network Cradlenet, and is also one of the co-founders of the Nordic Circular Hotspot a collaboration platform for accelerating circular economy in the region.

Join us for a SUCCeSS webinar, with Circular Economy Queen, Elin Bergman from CradleNet


SUCCeSS seminar on Biochar - a global solution to carbon sequestration?

“Hydrochars and pyrochars and their upgrading into activated carbons”  
Niklas Hedin, professor in Materials Chemistry, MMK, Stockholm University

"Biochar – a global solution to carbon sequestration? - An introduction of possibilities, markets and production"
Ludvig Landen, operations manager, innovation and development,NSR- Nordvästra Skånes Renhållning AB

SUCCeSS seminar on Biochar - a global solution to carbon sequestration?


25 years of Green Chemistry, December 6th 2022

Professor Paul Anastas and Professor John Warner

25 years of Green Chemistry lecture



Textiles, what's hiding in our used clothes and is there value in the waste?

"How to reveal the chemical ”cocktail” hiding in our clothes - An  analytical chemistry approach"

Professor Ulrika Nilsson (SU)

"Creating value from textile waste"

Caroline von Post, MSc(StormiePoodle)

Link to recorded event


Seminar: Biomass as a resource May 16th 2022

Stockholm University, Key lessons to make sustainable materials from lignin

Assistant Professor Mika H. Sipponen, MMK

Stora Enso, Replacing fossil-based plastics and the journey to a circular bioeconomy

Matthew Smyth, Director of Circular Services

Link to recorded event


Seminar: Voluntary initiatives for sustainability in global supply chains

Stockholm University, Voluntary Initiatives in an Era of Rising State Intervention: Observations and Critical Questions

Tim Bartley, Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Stockholm University. 

Forest Stewardship Council, A global voluntary sustainability standard

Lena Dahl, Executive Director of FSC Sweden

Lena Dahl presentation (3196 Kb)

Link to recorded event



Sustainable fashion and textiles December 3rd 2021

Academia: Planetary perspective for fashion and textile industry

Towards a circular economy that respects and responds to planetary priorities, Tiina Häyhä and Celinda Palm, Stockholm Resilience Center.

Industry: Sustainable materials for textile industry – Case: SPINNOVA

Pia Qvintus, Business Development Director, Spinnova

Link to recorded event

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